Right Kind of Wrong (1)

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Warning: I'm not supporting nor romanticizing  infidelity. Kids, don't do this at home 😂. Be faithful with your partners, okay? If you're not comfortable reading this, just skip it.  

The 22 year old Jennie is working as an engineer in one of the famous engineering firm in the country together with her long time girlfriend, Jisoo.

 They've been together for 3 years already and Jisoo already proposed to her, making her her fiance. Their relationship was going smoothly. Unlike ordinary couple, they are not fighting because Jisoo is understanding. Whenever something's up between them, Jisoo will always be the one to fix it immediately before everything will go wrong, Jisoo is always the first one to say sorry to Jennie even if it is not her fault. Jisoo is doing everything for Jennie, for their relationship, so that everything will be perfect.

 Jennie couldn't ask for more. She has the perfect fiance in the world who's willing to cross the ocean for her.

One day, their company reached another milestone that is worth celebrating so their boss treat them to a bar in the heart of the metro. Jennie and Jisoo came hand in hand inside the bar. The whole team is now having the time of their life drinking different liquors, when suddenly Jisoo had a stomachache.

"Babe, are you okay?" Jennie asked her fiance.

"Yeah, I'm fine but I feel like my intestines are knotted." Jisoo said playfully. Jennie smack her arms for joking.

"I'm serious Kim Jisoo. You want me to take you home?" Jennie said seriously.

"No. I'll go home but you, you stay here. I want you to enjoy this night. You did great after all. You deserve this babe." Jisoo said to her girl as she kissed her temple.

"Alright. If that's what you want but let me just accompany you til you hail a cab." And so the couple went outside the bar and Jennie waited for Jisoo to hail a cab.

"Alright babe. Enjoy the night. I love you." Jisoo said lovingly to her girl.

"I love you too. Take care." Jennie bid her goodbye to her fiance then she walked inside the bar.

She went straight to the bar counter and ordered a drink. Then she saw a girl mixing a drink on the other side of the bar counter. The girl was wearing a black bomber jacket. Because of the girl's movement, the left sleeve of the jacket almost fall off her shoulder causing her to reveal her sexy collarbone and shoulder and making her white sleeveless shirt visible. Jennie roam her eyes down to the brown-haired her. The girl is tall and thin but in a good way. She also wear a fitted black jeans that shows how long her legs are but she was disturbed by a man on his late 30's offering her a drink.

"Sorry but I can afford to buy my own drink." Jennie said to the man who was been eyeing Jennie for a while.

"Then let's dance. I'm a good dancer." The man said persistently.

"Maybe later." Jennie said lazily.

"Why not now?"

"Man, when a girl says later, it means not. Ever. So just find another girl." Jennie didn't noticed that the bartender she's checking out earlier is already in front of her. The barista's words made the man ashamed and left the scene.

"Sorry for that, Miss. His wife divorced him that's why he's desperate to find another girl." The barista said and then smiled.

"What's your drink by the way?" She continued.

"Give me your best drink."

"Okay. But you owe me a dance." The bartender winked at Jennie and Jennie giggled fliratiously.

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