Mysterious Stranger

800 18 9

Sorry for any mistakes, hope you don't mind anyways as always Enjoy!!

Hiccup p.o.v

I woke up with a stinging pain in my Left leg

I checked to see if it was still their, yes it was, one peg leg was far too many for my liking .

Toothless p.o.v

I heard a moan, coming from Hiccup

"Hiccup are you awake ?"

"Yea, what the Hell happen, and where are we"

" I over heard Gobber say we're are on a ship..."

Hiccup gave him the sarcastic look

'Fine, we're on a ship ...heading to Berk'

'What !!!!'

We need to get out of here, I can't go back to Berk what will my father do to me and to you because I will be considered a traitor and they will kill you.

"I've an idea "

Nobody p.o.v

Hiccup did a summer salt in order to get his arms infront of him because they were tied up behind him then he untied the knot around his hands and he removed the strap from toothless.

Hiccup p.o.v

Toothless 'plasma blast, nice shot bud come on lets get out of here' we were so close to the stairs of the ship when i saw toothless fell to the ground and so did I they poison darted us again, as i struggled on the ground I saw a golden hair maiden,

"Astrid" I whisper before falling unconscious.



Hiccup p.o.v

I woke up with my foot bleeding, the dart had hit me on my knee ( that's where hiccup armor was weakest ) i sniffed the blood and realise it was red oliander a poisonous flower and if I don't get healed quickly I can be fatally sick.
I looked over to toothless and realized he was growling at the Vikings who were trying to get me and it was at that moment I realize something horrifying.

I was on Berk and not only that I was inside Meade Hall and my dad was standing right infront of me.

I got up and said "I come in peace I don't want any trouble."

"WHO are you" bellowed Stoick

"I am the dragon Prince " i saw people in the crowd shaking their head in disbelief.

Anyways I'm chief stoick....

Hiccup cut him off and said " the vast, I want to kill your nightfury because he killed your  son, is it not that you were going to say ?"

'Yes' continued stoick and since you have no respect for the chief of Berk and your concider a traitor because your best friend is a dragon, I challenge you to a fight if I win you will leave this place but your nightfury friend stays".

"And what if I win"

"Don't get your hopes up too high"

I walked over to toothless

'Hey, you ok'

' I'm worried about you'

'Relax this will be a piece of cake and besides Ashley trained me to fight better than anyone on Berk could even Astrid '

'Ok good luck then'

I walked onto the battlefield, the entire village was waiting to see the outcome of the match.

Gobber shouted " Opponents exchange your weapons to make sure their is no cheating" stoick threw me his axe and I threw inferno but I did not ignite it stoick axe was dead ass heavy and made of iron, pretty weak.

We returned our weapons and I ignite inferno.





Stoick came running at me like a angry yack I just summersaulted over him and the crowd when wild I saw from the corner of my eye that Astrid was looking strongly at me i did not mind as long as I've my helmet on.

I quickly snapped out of my little trance an began to focus on the fight, once again stoick came running at me I just did a sweep and threw him off his feet he quickly got up which was quite unexpected because he weighed almost 400 lbs."

He swung his axe at me and it collided with my sword I just used all strength and shoved him into the wall and then spun him around and threw him on the ground.

The entire village could not believe what they just wittness, no one on Berk could beat stoick but this stranger just did in less than a minute .

I could see people running to stoick as he got up he said

"Fair enough you can go ",

'I thought so '

But first take off the helmet

' Nope ain't happening '

"Very well put him with the other dragons in the cell leave his nightfury outside".

Stoick men were about to grab me when I gestured them to stop and I camly walked over to to the cages, opened it myself walked in and closed the door.

Astrid p.o.v

"Who is this idiot, he walks right into the dragon cages....

Could it be hiccup... he was always the one who, no it can't be this dude is way too strong and skilled to be hiccup."

Hiccup p.o.v

"These Vikings are so predictable, I told them I'm the dragon prince and they put me in a cell with dragons"

I walked up to the monstrous nightmare and said "Hey their I need your help "

'The pridefull Nightmare replied ' who is this fool that dares to approach me'

"I'm Hiccup the dragon Prince "

'I'm sorry my Lord please forgive me'

It's ok just get the rest of the dragons and tell them who I am and to do whatever I say"

I walked out the kill wring and stood in the center and all four of the dragons came and stood next to me.

"So stoick what else do you want to see"

"Your face"

"Now their is no way that's happening "

"Start removing the mask or your precious Dragon gets it "
(Toothless was tied up that's the onlyway they could  have had him under control )

Stoick held the axe over toothless heads, ready for action .

But what will hiccup do stay tuned for the next chapter.

Hey I'm sorry for the late update anyways from now updates will be slow because school is re-opening
Peace ✌✌✌

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