5 Years later

996 24 3

"Word in Italics are Dragonese"

Hiccups p.o.v

"Com on bud catch me if you can " I screamed as I ran through the forest clearing branches from infront of me but, as I looked back I slammed into a tree making me fall to the ground

"Caught you this time " said toothless pouncing upon me .

Yes I understood dragon language and also alot have changed since I left berk the entire village thinks I was killed by a dragon a nightfury to be exact because at the cove where toothless and I trained some of his scales felled off since he is the only dragon that has black scales (besides the night terrors) and now they are hunting Nightfuries ."Great"

I've also made a few friends which are "Heather and Daggur from the beserkers tribe ,Ashley , Paul , Jasmine my prank buddies Rex and spike and Jake my best friend besides toothless.

"Ok ok you caught me get off of me now" I giggled as toothless licked my face .

Bud I was thinking wanna go for a spin to check out Ichy Armpit , I giggled at the name toothless gave it , but as soon as I had finish speaking I received a "Wack in the head from  toothless tail "

"I told u not to make fun of the island I named " toothless said and hurry up and let's go before I change my mind.

"Shall i tell the others "asked toothless ,
"Nah" we'll be back before dark , I was so wrong

Nobody p.o.v
As the two friends flew they met up with a flock of Timberjacks.

"Hellow my Prince how are you" said one of the timber jacks
Hiccup was know to all the dragon's because of some strange connection with the bewilderbeast ( King of dragons)

"I'm fine thank you " replied Hiccup

And after that brief conversation they resumed their cool mid air stunts

"Wanna give it another try , bud "

"Just make sure you know this time where your flight suit loops are Prince "said toothless laughing because he know hiccup don't like anyone calling him Prince .

"Haha funny "

After hiccup set toothless tail in gliding mode and unhooking the strap he camly slid off his saddle and they began a rapid decent until hiccup opened his flaps which enables him to glide .

"Wahoooooo this never gets old "

But just a few hundred metres away was an island with a small mountain and hiccup was heading straight for it.

" Toothlesss its now or never " yelled Hiccup only to feel him encased  by a black figure and just before they collided into the mountain toothless fired a plasma blast punching a hole straight through the mountain .

They both fell to the ground with a thud close to the edge of a cliff.

"Oh man that was close bud "said hiccup to toothless who began to roll his eyes

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"Oh man that was close bud "said hiccup to toothless who began to roll his eyes.

"Hiccup proceeded to take out this map and add to it the newest island in the archapelligo ".

But toothless ears stood erect listening for he heard some strange  voices distances away....

From Zero to Hero (HTTYD) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now