"You're Tko, right?" She asked. He nodded. Her eyes widen suddenly, and she zoomed off down the hall. "I've gotta go!" She shouted as she disappeared into the crowd of children.

"What's her problem?" Tko furrowed his eyebrows. The three began walking to class.

"Isn't it obvious?" Dendy asked. Tko raised an eyebrow, looking at her in confusion. She adjusted her glasses. "She clearly has a crush on you."

"What? No she doesn't! We literally just met!" Tko shouted.

"But she's been here longer than anyone can remember, so she's probably seen everyone enough to know a lot about them." She said as she put her hands behind her back.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.


Tko had his mind on Y/n for most of the day. He was confused. She couldn't possibly like him, they had only talked for one minute.

But then again, Dendy had a point. KO and Tko had been going to this school for a long time, and even they couldn't remember Y/n not being there. She probably saw the two everyday, and knew a lot about them. She probably even knew how to spell KO's real name, which isn't public knowledge.

The bell rang, dismissing school. Y/n jumped up and quickly ran out of the room. Tko, KO and Dendy looked at each other before getting up and following her.

Y/n ran through the doors and outside. She made a sharp turn down the sidewalk, not noticing she was being followed.

They began to notice the neighborhood she approached was dark, and creepy. But Y/n kept on running.

She came to alley, it had wooden fences separating segments of the alley. Just as they thought they had cornered the girl, she jumped on top of the first fence. She jumped onto the other side, landing on a table. She then leaped up onto the next fence, jumping into someone's backyard. She climbed the next fence, and jumped onto someone's fabric shade structure, using it to boost her next jump.

She leaped right over a yard that had an angry barking dog, and landed at the other side. She then ran away.

"I could jump KO over the alley." Dendy said.

"What about me?" Tko asked.

"You can fly." Dendy deadpanned.

"Oh. Right. Let's go." He said as he jumped into the air. KO climbed onto Dendy's back, and she leaped into the air.

They fell to the ground on the other side of the alley, and looked around. There was a train in front of them that didn't work anymore. On the other side, they could faintly see an old house.

The place seemed dead. There was no grass, the sun beat down on the area, and there was absolutely no wind.

"Look!" Tko pointed the house on the other side of the tracks. At the old house, Y/n walked up to the door. She placed her book bag on the step and walked inside.

Tko, KO and Dendy walked up to a bush that was by the train. They hid behind it.

Y/n came back out with a cup of something and a worn out book. She sat down on the steps and used her book bag as a pillow.

"We should go talk to her." KO whispered.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Tko whispered.

"I must agree with Tko, it isn't smart." Dendy said.

"So? She looks likes she needs it." KO frowned as he looked over at Y/n.

"KO, I advise you not to--" Dendy couldn't finish her sentence, KO had already stood up and walked over to her.

Tko and Dendy watched from the bushes, careful not to be seen. They saw Y/n look up from her book and over at KO. They were talking. She suddenly looked behind KO and directly at the two. They backed further into their hiding spots.

Y/n stood up and closed her book, setting it and her cup down. She smiled weakly and waved them over. The two hesitantly stood up and approached her.

"KO told me you wanted to see where I live. Well, here it is." Y/n said, gesturing towards the old house.

It has olive green paint that was slowly peeling away. The windows were dirty, and unable to be seen through. The roof had missing shingles, and the railing on the two small steps that led to the door were bent and rusted. The door was an old, faded white color that was made of wood and had chips of it missing.

"This is your house?" Tko said in slight disgust.

"Um, yeah, it's kind of old." Y/n rubbed her arm nervously. "Okay, now that you've seen it, why don't leave?" She said, clapping her hands together as she sweated nervously.

"We can't go inside just for one minute?" KO asked as he made puppy eyes.

"KO, it is rude to ask to go in after we've been asked to leave." Dendy said.

"No, it's fine. Just be careful. It's kind of a mess." Y/n sighed. She turned and opened the door, allowing the children in.

"Oh my cob." KO mumbled, startled by the unexpected scene.

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