Too many hearts here (3)

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Billies POV

I woke up the next morning to see Y/N watching YouTube on my iPad. I gave her access to YouTube because I know she gets bored and I feel bad. She looked at me and put the iPad down. "Hey." She said rubbing her eyes. "Good morning cutie." I yawned and kissed her nose. Her lips were so kissable looking this morning. "Noah told me you didn't do your chores." I said looking into her eyes. I gave her chores because Finneas said "She needs direction and responsibilities to stay submissive." He sounds so dumb. I don't get why he thinks it's his business how MY girl acts. Finneas is the leader of our house, he makes all the choices. Our parents were until they passed away. She looked away from me. "Don't look away from me." I said sternly. "I'm sorry Billie, I was really tired and I fell asleep." She said quietly. She's too cute for me to stay mad at her. "Aww, babygirl it's.... fine. Just don't do it often because then Finneas is just gonna get mad at me for it. And besides, they all get prissy when the house isn't clean and their clothes aren't washed. I don't want them yelling at you." I said pulling her a bit closer. "D- do I have to do these chores ?" She asked me. "Mhm. If you don't I promise I'll slap the shit out of you." I yawned. I felt her stiffen in my arms. "I thought you said you wouldn't ever hurt me..." she whispered. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you I'm just being honest. There's shit you have to do around here and I'm gonna make you do it. I love you. Don't ever forget that." I said kissing her on the head. She kissed my lips making me smirk. I wish she'd tell me she loves me back. I don't think she loves me though.

Later in the day the twins came over. Eli and Isaac. That mostly stuck with Gazzy and Diego while me, Y/N, Dani and Noah were downstairs. Y/N was watching Netflix with Noah while me and Dani talked out a plan for a robbery we're doing in Calabasas. Noah got up to take some selfies. "Y/N, come here I need you to take pictures." She smiled at Y/N. Noah is the only person other than myself I let boss Y/N around like that. I guess it's mostly because me and Noah are really close and we have a lot of sex, but that's besides the point. I smiled at Y/N. I hope she doesn't feel trapped. She started taking pictures of Noah. I watched Y/N walk up to Noah and show her the pictures. "These came out like shit, just go sit down." Noah said rolling her eyes. Now, that was sufficiently rude. I spoke, "Noah what the fuck? That was rude as fuck bro apologize to her." I demanded. Y/N spoke up, "no it's f-" I cut her off. "Shh. Noah, apologize." I said standing up and walking towards Noah. "Fuck off billie." She said turning. I grabbed her arm. "Stop being a stupid fucking bitch, apologize. She didn't do anything wrong and you just hurt her feelings, and she was nice enough to take pictures for you." I yelled. "Come on, fuck the drama just sit y'all asses down." Danielle said.
"Shut it Dani, Noah, apologize!" I yelled. "No, I'm not apologizing to your stupid little thot. Fuck you and fuck her." Noah sneered. That's when I felt my hand make swift contact with her cheek. She stumbled.

"Y-you..." She was stunned. "Yea I fucking hit you, go away until you're not being a piece of garbage!" I screamed dragging her to the elevator. Noah was starting to cry. Why was she being so mean to Y/N? Was she jealous? She has a boyfriend, she damn well better not be jealous of Y/N. Me and Noah still fuck, and I haven't even fucked Y/N yet so Noah has zero reason to be angry. After I sent her upstairs I walked to Y/N. "It's okay babygirl, she didn't mean it." I smiled. "What- what happened?" She asked me. "Am I in trouble?" She said covering up with Noah's blanket. "No, you didn't do nothing wrong." I said hugging her. "Diego's about to be pissed, so when you hear yelling don't worry about it." I smiled. Finn was probably gonna take Noah and Diego's side like he always does. He treats me like I'm a burden, like I'm just the little kid that won't shut up. Even though I put in just as much work as Noah, Danielle, Gazzy, Eli and Issac, and everyone else. "Yo babygirl let's take you upstairs, I don't want you to hear the yelling. You can watch YouTube or Netflix or something in our room, I'm finna talk to Finneas and Diego. Do you want anything to eat lil ma?" I asked kissing her head and holding her close to my chest. She brought her hand up and started fiddling with my chains. "No, I'm fine." She smiled and I took her upstairs.

Hostage (kidnapped by Billie Eilish) |X READER|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora