"So you get a ruffle in your feathers and just decide to disappear? Go stick your head in the sand, forever? You have no idea what's been going on out there," I said, feeling an emotions that's between irritated and angry.

Shaking his head, Metatron didn't seem fazed by any of it, "Nope. That's the whole point."

I shook my head, "So you have been holed up here, or, or, or in a wigwam, or before that in some cave, listening to stories, reading books?"

Metatron grinned at us, making me want to punch him in the face. "And it was something to watch. What you brought to His Earth, all the mayhem, the murder. Just the raw, wild invention of God's naked apes... it was mind-blowing. But really... really, it was your storytelling. That is the true flower of free will. At least as you've mastered it so far. When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves. So many worlds! I have read... as much as it's possible for an angel to read, and I haven't caught up."

Sam starts to breath heavily, looking even more pissed then me. He slowly starts to stand, "You know what? Pull the frigging trigger."

My eyes go wide, my eyes looking to Brooke as if she'll know what's going on, but all I got was the same look.

"What?" Metatron asked, clearly confused.

"Pull the freaking trigger, you cowardly piece of garbage," Sam said, causing Metatron to stand. My feet quickly stand, my hands trying to stop Sam, but he's already reached Metatron. His hand grabs the riffle, pointing it at his chest as he talks. "All the time you've been hiding here, how much suffering have you read over? Humanity's suffering! And how much of it has been at the hands of your kind?!"

I quickly pushed Sam back, "C'mere, hey," I said, causing Sam to drop the riffle and take a couple of steps back. Brooke stands and keeps a hand on Sam's arm, keeping him in place as I turn to Metatron. "You want a story? Try Kevin Tran's story. He was just a kid. He was a good, straight-A kid, and then he got sucked in to all of this— this angel crap. He became a prophet, of the Word of God. Your prophet. Now, you should've been looking out for him, but no! Instead, you're here, holed up, reading books."

"He may be dead now, because of you," Brooke said, seeming to match my tone.

Metatron seemed shock, never realizing what was really happening to the people that were supposed to be helping the world. He sat the riffle to the side, walking away from us only to stop and rub his chin.

It was then that he sighed and rose his head, closing his eyes. After at least two minutes past, he lowered his head, turning to look past us. My head turned, my feet almost stumbling over each other when an unconscious Kevin sat in the same chair I had just sat in.

Sam, Brooke, and I took a couple of steps back, all of us with wide eyes and hanging mouths. A huge mark was on Kevin's neck, making me wonder if he had been choked to death.

Walking over, Metatron made his way over to Kevin, looking regretful and almost sad. He suddenly placed his hand on Kevin's chest, it glowing which makes the bruises on his neck fade away.

"Is that it? Is he good?" I asked, looking at Metatron.

"Give him a minute," Metatron said before turning and walking off into the kitchen area.

I turn to Brooke, "Watch him," I said, nodding to Kevin. Brooke doesn't even look away or say a word, but a nod tells me she heard me as she stands in shock.

All of us thought Kevin was dead, that this was it, when in fact it seems to only be the beginning. My head turns to the kitchen, Metatron's body hidden by the pile of books. I kick my feet into gear and head in the kitchen, only stopping when I was faced with his back.

"How did you get past Crowley's angel-warding?" I asked, unsure of what happened.

"I'm the Scribe of God. I erased it," He said, still not looking at me as he fills up a glass of water and takes a sip.

I turn my head slightly, "But you saw, right? I mean, you— you're caught up on everything that's been going on. All the crap that your brethren's been doing to humanity all this time?"

Metatron turned to me, sitting down his water, "I saved the boy, didn't I?" His hands sat on the counter, staring at me as if waiting for a response to his words.

"But are you in? With us, I mean."

There was a small pause before he asked, "You really intend on closing the doors of Hell?"

"Seems like the thing to do, don't it?" I asked, causing Metatron to shrug. "It's your choice. And that's what this has all been about, the choices your kind make. But you're gonna have to weigh that choice. Ask yourself: what is it going to take to do this, and what will the world be like after it's done?"

He had a point, those were the questions to ask but haven't been yet. At the end of this, will Sam still be the little brother I know? With the world free of monsters, what does that mean for Hunters? What do we do?

Brooke's voice called from the living room, "Dean? Dean!"

I quickly return, turning to her before turning to Kevin who was starting to come too. Metatron followed behind me, leaning against the door frame as he watched.

"Kevin? Hey. I thought we lost you, kiddo," I said, grabbing Kevin's still somewhat foggy attention.

"I'm good," Kevin says with a nod before reaching into his jacket and pulling out the other half of the demon tablet. He smiled wide, "Second half of the tablet. And I got it. Third trial. I didn't tell Crowley."

"So what is it?" Sam asked, anxiously waiting.

Metatron spoke up behind us, causing us to turn and look at him, "To cure a demon."

Kevin looked at Metatron confused, nodding slightly, "Yeah. Who are you?" Metatron smiled slightly, looking up to me, "I'll watch over him, you three can go."

I looked at Kevin who nodded slightly to me before I turned to Sam and Brooke who rose and was ready to hit the road. We all figured that this was the safest place for Kevin so it wasn't hard for us to grab our things and leave.

Once we got in the car and started to drive was when I spoke up finally. "Cure a demon. Okay, ignoring the fact that I have no idea what that actually means, if we— if we do this, you get better, right? I mean, you stop trying to cough up a lung, and, and, and bumping into furniture?" I looked at Sam who sat in the passenger seat.

"I feel better, yeah, um, just having a direction to move in."

"Well, good, cause where we're headed doesn't sound like a picnic," I said, my eyes focusing back on the road.

Brooke spoke up from the backseat, "But we're heading somewhere."

"Yeah, the end," Sam said, glancing into the backseat with half a smile before looking at me, causing me to join him in the half smile. When my attention turned back to the road, I saw a figure laying on the road, causing me to slam on the brakes abruptly.

I turned the Impala, missing the figure before climbing out of the car. Brooke, Sam, and I stayed in our car doorways as we looked at the bloody, injured, figure.


Hope you liked the long Dean chapter. I'm trying to decide if I want to just make this one giant book with multiply seasons, or do two seasons in one book and do multiple books, or do a season in each book. Let me know what you'd like!

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