Forgotten meeting

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Tigerheart's POV

Tigerheart kneaded the ground with his claws anxiously. The gathering cats buzzed continuously without any signs of slowing.  The stuffy air filled his senses. His dark amber eyes scanned the clearing for the soft gray she cat. This was the day he was going to tell her. Tigerheart knew he was no longer attracted to Dovewing. It was a stupid teenage crush that went to far. She was very nice but he felt as if their visits were more of a chore than a date. That's when he saw her. Dovewing's short body jumped up and down with each step. Oh starclan why did she have to be so sweet.

"Hey Tigerheart!!" her voice was so carefree and cheerful. He didn't want to hurt her..."We on for meeting tomorrow night?" Before Tigerheart could get a word out another Thunder-clan warrior came over and whisked her away.

 "Dovewing stay with your own clan." A big golden tom hissed. For all the stereotypes Thunder-clan cats can be really rude. 

"See you tomorrow." She quickly squeaked out before they were out of ear range.

Well that went smooth. Tigerheart let out a long drawn out sigh. He didn't even say anything before she was gone again. The ground under his paws was barren of any plants. The noise quieted down as the gathering started. Well i'll tell her tonight I guess.

Dovewing's POV

Dovewing eyed Tigerheart the entire gathering. Nothing interesting was being disused with the leaders just a few squabbles quickly settled with basic logic. He looked very anxious, the ground beneath his paws was filled with shredded grass. He must be nervous for our meeting tomorrow.  She let out a purr.

The next day

Dovewing felt like everything was out to get her. That day she went on 3 patrols. Like what in starclan did they need her for. Not to mention she had to have meeting with lionblaze, jayfeather ,and Bramblestar that night about some sorta prophecy mumbo jumbo. By the time the day was over all she could think of was sleep. As soon as she entered the warriors den she was out cold. Completely forgetting about the meeting they had set at the gathering.

*Notes: This is my first fic so bare with me. Sorry for how fast paced it is, and all the grammar mistakes :P 

BumbleTiger (Tigerheart x BumbleStripe)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon