Chapter 7

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"I sense the Shikon Jewel shards. A lot of them!"

Kagomes voice brought us to attention after a corpse of a demon slid to the floor following the blade of my sword that cut it down. The place we were standing at was a graveyard of demons by the short while we stopped by. I caught a slight scent of Naraku, following it to this valley that was devoted of all life, the only thing surviving in there was the demons that suddenly started attacking us and our small group. Miasma from the valley kept getting stronger with each killed demon, so I ordered Ah-Un to take away Rin and keep her safe. In the meantime, I threw myself into the swarm of demons.

The battle was, surprisingly, a lot easier as I first anticipated. Of course, Jaken used his staff quite skillfully helping to reduce the numbers of demons that crossed our path, however whenever that was not what made the battle easier. Whenever there was a group attack from the side of the demons, and I felt like there might be just one too many, a few sacred arrows hit their target clearing my sight of view once again allowing me to breathe calmly and fight without a worry. The sight was amazing. I watched her with the corner of my eye, just to be sure she was safe, however the sight of her, in a battle stance, with a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, aiming effortlessly at a demon that charged at her just to see him evaporate into nothing just a few seconds later was breathtaking. I have grown to understand Kagome quite well in our journey together, however whenever she got into battle, it felt like she turned into another being. When she was her usual self, she was kind and her aura felt warm. Right now, though her aura was ice cold, her focus on the task at hand outstanding. The precision of her arrows was like magic. She never missed her target. Never once did she let her guard down. There stood a warrior by my side, supporting me and helping me take care of the small fry.

Her Narakus arrival came just in time. In the heat of the battle my nose being quite occupied by the miasma, it did not pick up his closing in scent. Now that I knew what to concentrate on my nose picked up on him immediately.

His figure came out of the cloud of miasma, his signature mocking grin plastered on his face. He grinned wider when he saw Kagome run to my side holding an arrow ready to draw the bow.

"Well, well, well. What a surprise. Seems the weakness for mortals is running in the family."

I kept my face straight, not letting him get under my skin. His tricks will never work on me. I charged at him, cutting a few of the tentacles he sent my way trying to hold me back. I hacked away at them just so they would regenerate and attack me again. I hated his body. It smelled of miasma and multiple demon parts mixed into one substance. I hacked away another tentacle seeing it regenerate immediately, another tentacle charging at me. I was preparing to hack that one away as well, when a sacred arrow swished by the side of my face, its warm light caressing my cheek, seeing the tentacle evaporate into thin air.

Narakus grin vanished once he felt Kagomes arrow pierce through his right shoulder. He switched his gaze from me to her, his smile vanishing entirely, pure hatred visible on his face.


I did not like it one bit. His filthy mouth saying her name out loud. However, she did not waver. Another arrow was fired and despite the effort Naraku put into deflecting the arrow, it was useless. She hit him right into the midriff, hacking away the lower half of his body.

" is that possible. She was never this strong."

The confused expression he wore on his face was priceless, yet there was another feature. Fear. It was my time to grin.

"Kagome found a good teacher."

I saw her puff out her chest, holding her head out high. The beast in me howled. I had to shush my thoughts down. This was no time to think about stuff like that. I had to defeat Naraku.

"Impossible," he mumbled, hiding himself in a swarm of demons. There was no way I would let him escape. I put my Tokijin in front of me, channeling my demonic aura into it. It was a second nature to me by now, releasing the burst in the form of a dragon.

"Dragon Strike!"

Demons carrying Narraku perished, however his Poisonous insects caught him in midair taking him out of my reach swiftly. I did not chase after him. He's a coward, always running away when the going gets tough. Kagome lowered her bow, her expression changing from the warrior, to the priestess I've known.

The beast inside me suddenly went wild. The instincts that I've pushed aside in the middle of the battle were now yelling at me.

"Make her mine!" Yelled the beast and there was no stopping it. I tried to shush it, yet it would not go away. I heard Kagomes voice somewhere in the distance, calling for me, asking if I'm ok and I wanted to answer her, yet I couldn't.

My body reacted on its own. I felt my vision turn red and saw myself get a hold of Kagomes shoulder. She looked into my eyes and I saw concern on her face. She reached with her hand resting it on my cheek and my head leaned into it, a soft dog whine slid from my throat. She caressed it, her fingers on my purple markings sending a shiver down my spine. The beast in me wagged its tail in satisfaction, slowly slipping back into my mind and I regained the control of my body. I closed my eyes, my vision returning to proper colors. She smiled, looking up into my face.

"Feel better now?" I put my hand over hers, keeping it at my cheek.


She nodded her head staying like that for a while longer. Her hand did feel nice. It was slightly embarrassing to lose control of my body like that. It never happened before and I was slightly concerned. However, I don't think anyone could explain what was going on with me at this moment. Slightly scarier thought was: "What if the beast decides to hurt Kagome?" If I do lose control of myself like that and I do hurt her, I would never forgive myself.

That's when a thought came into my mind. There is someone I could ask how to control it better, but I am slightly more concerned about how she would react to Kagome. I looked into Kagomes chocolate eyes and I immediately knew I had to at least try. For her sake.

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