Chapter 4

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The more we traveled the quieter the priestess got. Her hum had stopped long ago and after my explanation of the mindset I was in was over and after a few more questions from her side we fell into complete silence. I kept peeking from the corner of my eye at her making sure she's following, even though I didn't have to do that cause I could hear every clumsy human step she made. I just liked to see the changes her face presented me with. It was like an open book waiting to be read. Through my explanation I could almost see the gears turning in her brain trying to process the information and now there was doubt and sadness written all over her face.

When we arrived to the place Rin and Jaken made their little camp Priestess smiled. She saw Rin and immediately walked to her.

"Kagome-chan!" Exclaimed my little ward while hugging onto the priestess.

"Hello Rin-chan. Seems I will be traveling with you for a short while."

The sad and depressed expression disappeared from the face of the priestess leaving just smiles and cheerfulness for the child.

"What is this human doing here, my lord?" Jaken came to my side whispering to me as to not be heard. I didn't bother to look down at the imp while I answered.

"I believe she's the key to this all."

He was left just as confused as he was before his question but I didn't bother explaining further. I had some business that needed to be taken care of as soon as possible.

I returned to a very pleasing scent. The roast beef was nicely cooked with fresh seasoning making the mouthwatering smell travel through the wind into my nose. It didn't surprise me to see Rin and Jaken eat in big gulps almost forgetting to chew on the meat with baked potatoes and fresh mint tea served in front of them while the priestess smiled sipping on some tea herself.

"Slow down or your tummy will get upset."

Rin didn't take any notice of the priestesses warning.

"It's so good though, Kagome-chan. I've never eaten anything like this. What is this herb?"

The priestess smiled softly taking a sip of her tea.

"It's called thyme. I bring it from my home quite often as Shippo likes the taste as well." With the mention of her companion her face slipped into the saddened one again. I stepped out of the bushes with a loud rustling trying to get her attention or at least some kind of attention. None was given my way. As usual she detected my presence without even looking which impressed this Seshomaru. I noticed another serving at the other end of the camp fire, that was not touched by her or the rest of the little group. Rin just happily ate while she smiled at me with her mouth full of potatoes. Did the priestess prepare this for this Sesshomaru?

"So...will you tell us where you went or will you keep us in the dark?" Said the priestess as she finally made eye contact with me. I threw a tied bundle her way and she spilled her tea onto herself as she tried to catch it. She grunted in annoyance glaring at me for my rudeness. I just nodded my head towards the bundle in her hand.


"Is it a present from Lord Sesshomaru?" Excited Rin climbed from her seat in the grass to peek into priestesses' hands while she untied the string on the bundle opening it with a curious gaze pulling out a black suit. She tilted her head to the side letting a strand of her raven hair fall to her cheek while she gazed at the suit with puzzled look.

"What's the meaning of this?"

I took a bite of the roasted meat from the plate she prepared letting the unusual taste fill my senses while also catching her confusion.

"It's your new attire. I had it made from a special fabric that will prevent cuts. I think a human like you should wear something other than your short unusual kimono into a battle."

The priestess surprised me when she clenched the fabric to her chest and smiled. Her eyes filled with tears and I wasn't sure what had this Sesshomaru done wrong. Was it disrespectful to her in some way? This Sesshomaru was not familiar with human customs so I just stopped eating gazing at her while she stood up in a haste holding the cloth to her chest and rushed off behind bushes and out of sight. I was puzzled. Was there something wrong with the actions this Sesshomatu took? Rin smiled my way answering my unsaid question.

"She's just very happy Lord Sesshomaru."

I did not understand how a piece of cloth could bring such happiness to the priestess. And how did happiness connect to tears? I was slowly losing hope of ever understanding what this woman felt, even though all her emotions were clearly visible on her face. That realization fascinated me even more.

After a while of listening to the rustling of bushes in the background the rest of us finished the meal the priestess prepared. I was now leaning on the tree while Rin and Jaken slept against Ah-Un resting after the nice meal. The sun was warm battling through the thick leaves of the forest to get to the ground warming the surrounding when she finally emerged. The black suited her immensely. The suit resembled the one her demon slayer friend used, however the material was dark as the night sky, in texture reminding one of leather. It hugged her figure tightly giving this Sesshomru clear guidelines of her physique. She was rather slender, on the shorter side as well, her raven hair matching the suit perfectly. A red trim around her waist and around the shoulder guards with some red strings hanging down for decoration guided the eye to her little waist and accented the fact she was a woman and not a little girl anymore. The black boots reached under her knee and the black quilt decorated with a red string for the top rim and also a red string that was slipping over her chest to hold it on her back matched the outfit greatly. Red fingerless gloves with black string trim were just a tiny detail that completed the look. I was surprised as a small girl that left was now replaced with a full-grown warrior, a battle spark visible in her eyes. For the first time in centuries, this Sesshomaru was left speechless.

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