~7 minutes in heaven~

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Me and Zack ordered our food and started drinking our drinks.

"Soo, I'm home alone today so, can we have a sleepover with some of your friends?"
Zack said

"Sure! I would love to have a sleepover with you! Plus, you can meet my new friends!"

"Great! Here's my number and my address"

Zack gave me his address to his house and his number.

"Thank you so much Zack!"

"Your welcome!"

After that we decided to go back home and prepare for the sleepover.

"See you later!" Zack said as he hugged me.

I went to my car and drove to my house. I told mom and dad about another sleepover but in Zack's house.

"Ok fine.. I'll let you go to his house." Dad said

"Thank you so much!" I said as I hugged him. I looked at my phone and I wanted to invite my friends. I looked at my phone and started texting. Looks like.. Dottie, Daniel, Rylan, and Blaze are the only ones that can go.

Sadly, Alpha can't go because she have some to do.

I started packing my shiba inu onesie. (I'm sorry, I LOVE DOGS SO MUCH)
I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my bag. Suddenly I got a text from someone. No...

???- Hey Y/n. What I did was wrong. Please forgive me..

"No, no, no.." I ignored it and started packing again. I don't want to talk about him...

I started texting Zack.

Y- hey Zack, what time are we going to your house?

Z- 5:00pm

Y- k thanks Zack!

Z- No problem!

I looked at the time and it was... oh no.. Its 4:43..
SANIC MODE IS ON. I ran outside and slammed the door behind me. I got in my car and started driving to get my friends. I saw Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel about to go to my house.


"Wait wha-"

I grabbed Dottie and pushed her to the car followed by Rylan and Daniel. I started driving to Zack's house.

~Smol time skip~
I parked my car and saw Zack waiting by the door.

"Y/n! Your here!" He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Also, are these your friends?"

"Yeah, um Zack, this is Dottie, Daniel, and Rylan." I said pointing at them one by one.
Dottie and Rylan introduced themselves but Daniel kinda stuttered. Aww, he's so cute!

"C'mon! I'll lead you guys to my room"

When he opened the door. He's house was huge! When I was in my old high school I never knew what he's house look like.

He led us to his room and he has a big room like me. We all sat down and started thinking of game to play.

"Should we play truth or dare again?" Rylan asked.
Why truth or dare? I said fine because I can't deny. We started spinning the bottle and it landed on Dottie.

"Ok Dottie, Truth or dare?" Zack ask


"Okay! I dare you to call your crush and say I love you to them!"


"F-fine!" Dottie took her phone and started calling someone.

"Hey Blaze.." BLAZE?! WUTTTTTTT :0

"I wanted to tell you something.."

"What is it?" Blaze asked on the phone.


"Wait what did you just say-"

Dottie immediately hang up.

"Omg! Blaze?! Ahhh I ship it!" I said.

She sat down very speechless. She spun the bottle and it landed on me!

"Okay Y/n, truth or dare?" Dottie asks


"Hehe... time for my payback saying that, I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Daniel!"

"Uhhhh, what's seven minutes in heaven?" I asked.
(By the way I had never heard of that game before)

"Hehe, you'll see" She pushed me and Daniel in to Zack's closet. She then closed the closet.

"Uhhh, how are we going to play this game?" I asked.

"W-well we h-have to stay i-in the closet i-in 7 m-minutes.."

Really? I can do this! It's only seven minutes, this will be easy peasy!

~2 minutes later~
Its 2 minutes in.. It's getting pretty bored so I decided to make a conversation with Daniel. I'm not really good at starting conversations.Its tru :").

"Sooo Daniel, are you feeling a lot better now?"

"Y-yeah! Thank you f-for taking c-care of me!" He said with his best smile. Awww I can't take it, he's so cute!


We talked for a while and then Zack said.

"5 minutes in!"

He said. Only 2 minutes in I said to myself. I forgot to mention Zack's closet was small and we have to be very close to each other. Luckily, it was big enough for us to sit.

~Another smol time skip :")~

"Your done!"

Dottie opened the door and saw Daniel red. I also noticed that he has been red all the time I'm near him..

"Soo, did you guys... you know... Kiss?" Dottie asked.
My face was a little bit red after what Dottie said.

"D-Dottie!" Daniel said.

After that we watched some movies because it was pretty boring playing truth or dare all the time. We watched some romantic movies then horror movies.

"Hey guys! Let's bake a cake!" Zack suggested.

"Sure!" We all went downstairs and went to the kitchen. We started preparing the ingredients. We then started making the cake. A few minutes later we were done! We decided to put some toppings to make it look nice.

"It looks so good!" Rylan said.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's eat it!" We took a slice and it was delicious! We getting pretty tired so we decided to go to sleep.

All of us went to sleep.

This was in a rush I'm sorry. Also I am not kidding. I have no idea what 7 minutes in heaven is. But now I know ;)
sorry for not posting a while..

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