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ANOTHER redo of Solander's bio, although I didn't actually redraw anything, I deleted something and repositioned things

ANOTHER redo of Solander's bio, although I didn't actually redraw anything, I deleted something and repositioned things

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Kelkfoji, a house cat from SoM

Kelkfoji, a house cat from SoM

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More raptors yeet

More raptors yeet

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(I really like Orca)

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(I really like Orca)

Now just a couple of raptors to go, Hyper is up next so yayyy!

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Now just a couple of raptors to go, Hyper is up next so yayyy!

An owed thing for KoolKat1324
Bust of Sharkfang! (I think that's their name?) but yeah I really liked their design, but here's 1/3 of the things yayy more coming soon

An owed thing for KoolKat1324 Bust of Sharkfang! (I think that's their name?) but yeah I really liked their design, but here's 1/3 of the things yayy more coming soon

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Forgot to sign it, but I think you can tell that's done by me ahah. And if anyone steals it the reeee don't please.

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