I feel sick

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I forgot to publish the last chapter so I just did

I ate a whole packet of lowly snakes and I don' feel so well

Now I don't feel bothered to do anything

You can tell which side I drew it on while using symmetry hahBut yeah hyper here is (one) of your characters woop

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You can tell which side I drew it on while using symmetry hah
But yeah hyper here is (one) of your characters woop

Umm so the top half of their body is like glass and very brittle and stuff
And the bottom half is just lemonade suspended in the shape of dog legs
It also moves around depending on how the move
Like it they we're running fast it'd get blown to the back
And they've got ice in there
And their straw is constantly dripping although they don't loose any lemonade
And the lemonade makes bubbles and the bubbles fly out of the ater yayy

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