Part 3.- 'Come Back to Me'

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Techi nodded.

Techi: Pon, I want to ask you a favor- she approached her and put her left hand on Yuipon's right shoulder.

Techi: I want you to take my place, to be in front because I can not be in the battle in these conditions, neither mentally nor physically-

Yuipon silently nodded. She was known for being a strong-willed soldier, almost as fearsome as Techi kun.

Yuipon: Don't worry, I'll take good care of the battalion, I hope you recover soon and find what you're looking for - she said with implacable seriousness.

Techi: Thank you very much, Neru san will be your right hand- she finished saying goodbye with a cold embrace from Yuipon.

She grabbed her things and left separately. She knew the coordinates where Memi's battalion was.

The hours were eternal to see her and she only thought of what she would say when she saw her again.

When Yuipon appeared in front of all as the one who would be in charge of the operation. Immediately Neru asked her about Techi. Pon told her where she had gone.

Neru felt a thrust in her heart, wondering, What had the two of them failed to end like this? She had done her best to make it work, but Techi kun had not taken her feelings into account.

Meanwhile, Hirate Yurina a.k.a Techi traveled by train to the location near her destination with Memi. It was a remote prefecture near the sea. She wondered what Memi was doing in those precise moments.

Memi was cleaning a gun with gasoline, then loading it with ammunition. In the background she heard the powerful husky voice of the soldier Kyoko san, who shouted that they had to move in less than 90 seconds towards the trenches.


They all shouted in unison: HAI! (YES)

Memi heard the cannon bursts. All came out and began to form to attack the enemies and that's how they planned. Her first battle, her first victory. From the bottom of her heart she dedicated it to Yurina. She wanted to see her and hold her in her arms. 

Was it too much to ask?- For someone of her rank, yes.

She took enough care to attack and not be wounded in battle, but unfortunately she fell and hurt her left elbow.

They treated her in the infirmary as soon as they finished that third battle. She moved away a little from the activities, but she was still attending each activity she could.

In one of her spare moments she went to the sea to clear her thoughts and rest a little. But from a distance she saw a figure with a proud and elegant back. The sun shone so brightly that it blinded and made that figure look even more beautiful. As it got closer. There she was: Hirate Yurina.

When she turned around she saw Memi. Little smiled. Memi started crying too much that she fell on the sand on her knees. Techi went to her and hugged her tightly, together they cried.

Memi: I thought maybe we would not see each other again.

Techi: How could I let go of my happiness? you are that for me Memi- she whispered in Memi's ear at the same time hugging her even more and silencing Memi's sobs.

Memi: Do you forgive me? I never wanted to leave you- she apologized, bowing her head tilted to touch the sand. Techi picked it up quickly.

Techi: Since you left, I forgive you and now I'm here - upon hearing that, Memi hugged her even more.

Memi: Is it too much to ask if I want to be your owner? I want to be your happiness every day, I want you to let me.

She approached Yurina's face so much that she kissed her softly. Techi corresponded to the kiss framing the face of Memi between her hands. By pausing and breathing the breath of each other.

Techi: I want to always be the one in your thoughts, I want to continue being the reason of your glances, that if I breathe you do it too. That if I take your life, mine stays with you- said like poetry and embrace warm to Memi's soul. 

The second kiss was initiated by Yurina, deeper than the previous one. When they finished they sighed.

Techi: I never told you to enlist into the battle. I see that they have hurt you too - she said in a tone of wanting to scold Memi for her ineptitude, but at the same time admiring her courage and brave heart.

Memi: It was silly on my part, but soon I will recover. Do you want to accompany me to my room?, I want to shower and I would love for you to accompany me.

Techi swallowed hard as she blushed doubtfully, but then nodded.

Techi: Okay, let's go- she drew a half smile on her face. Memi smiled with a happiness that did not fit in her heart not even in her face.

After bathing together having a moment full of fun, they had dinner, laughed and talked a lot about everything. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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TECHI x MEMI fanfic (ENGLISH VERSION) KEYAKIZAKA46Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon