"And you, Lance. You better take care of him. You had better help him raise the baby. Keep him safe and protected." Shiro says strictly. Lance nods quickly.

"Always. I'll always make sure he's protected." He says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I snuggle into him, rubbing my stomach gently.

"So... how far along are you Keith?"

"Let's see... I figured out after two weeks... and decided that I was going to keep it one week later... so... about three months..." I whisper. Shiro raises a brow.

"You considered abortion?" He asks. I nod shakily.

"Yes... but I eventually decided to keep it... Lance helped with the decision."

"Ah, okay. I understand."

"Thank you for understanding Shiro, it means a lot to me." I whisper. He smiles and nods. I smile back and watch as a man walks around, collecting all used cups. His hair was long and white and his skin was pale (not as pale as Keith tho). His dark eyes fell on me and before I knew it, I felt a steaming hot liquid run down my back. A shrill screech left my lips and I stood up quickly, trying to get the shirt off quickly. Lance bolted up, grabbing napkins. He helped dab at the burn spot, drying it off before someone ran out and handed him a cold towel which he laid over my back. I glare at the white haired man and held Lance's jacket over my front, covering my chest and stomach. Lance stormed up to him, glaring at him.

"You dick! You spilled piping hot coffee down my mate's back and didn't even try to apologize!! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Lance shouts. I take a deep breath in through my nose and smell his hostile scent, standing and setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Lance, stand down. You're making a scene." I whisper, shying from all the eyes on me. Lance relaxes a bit, turning to make sure I was okay before turning back to the other alpha. I would assume he's an Alpha by the way Lance is behaving.

"You better apologize." He seethes.

"It was just an accident. Don't get your panties in a twist little Alpha~" The rival Alpha whose nametag read, 'Lotor', said, patting Lance's cheek before walking away. Lance growled loudly, his lip raising. I rub his shoulders, standing on my tip toes to rub my scent gland against his. He relaxed and set his hands on my stomach.

"Want to just wear my jacket, since your shirt is soaked?" He asks. I nod. He wraps the jacket around me, letting me stick my arms in the sleeves before he zipped it up, making sure I was okay.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly. I nod.

"I'm fine. It just stings a bit." I whisper, nuzzling his jaw. He sits me down in my chair and I sigh softly. Shiro looks at me.

"That was rude of him. He should have apologized." My brother says. I shrug.

"It's over now. Water under the bridge." I say, fiddling with the sleeve of Lance's hoodie. I rub my tummy gently and yawn softly.

"Do you want to go home? You don't have to stay here with me." Shiro says, smiling at me.

"But...-" He cuts me off.

"You are caring for more than just yourself now. Go home and get some rest. We can hang out some other time." Shiro says.

"You're a good big brother... and you'll be a great uncle." I say, standing up and hugging my brother tightly.

"Before you go... c-can I see?" He asks, gesturing at my stomach. I nod and pull up Lance's jacket just enough to reveal my ever so light baby bump.

"You are progressing well... have a good day little brother." He says. I nod and hug him again before walking out with Lance.


Lunch came quickly and I sat down at the table next to Lance, looking at Lance's mother. Lance gently holds my hand and leans into my ear.

"I'll tell her. Don't worry." He whispers, stroking the scent gland on my wrist to calm me. I nod softly and utter a soft, 'thank you'. Lance clears his throat and looks at his mother, since his father wasn't going to be home until the twenty-fourth.

"Um... Keith and I have a small announcment... p-please don't be mad but... Keith is... expecting. Someone must've messed with the protection... we used a condom... yet... here we are." Lance says. His mother chuckles.

"I noticed a while back. I recognized the signs... I'm glad you told me though." Camilia says, smiling. I smile happily and rub my stomach.

"How far along is he?"

"About three months..." I whisper.

"Ah, so you're finally past the morning sickness." Camilia says. I nod.

"Thankfully." I say, smiling. She chuckles and stands, walking around the table to hug me. I hug back happily.

"If you have any questions about anything, you know where to find me." She says. I nod.

"Thank you ma'am." I whisper. She pats my head and hugs her son, whispering something to him that I couldn't make out. Lance nods, clearly scared by what his mom said. I chuckle and yawn.

"I'm gonna go take a nap. I'm tired." I whisper, walking upstairs to the bedroom and laying down, falling asleep once my head hit the pillow. (Anyone see what I did there?)


There ya go! Another chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I think I might stray from my original idea. (I love mpreg)

Luv Y'all,
Erin Jaeger

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