A few of Jughead's biker buddies were working the party so Cheryl was not surprised when she was ordering a drink from a serpent.


"Here I was thinking you'd want martini" he replies with a smirk and she rolls her eyes

"That's my girlfriend's go to, not mine"

"Uh oh trouble in paradise?" He glances over Cheryl's shoulder at said girl and she doesn't look too happy that he's speaking to her at all.

"Is she watching?"

"If you consider her staring daggers into my soul watching then well yes"

"So would you call that trouble in paradise?" He pours her margarita into a glass and places it right in her hand

"Trouble...red flag...whatever you wanna call it" is all he says before moving down the bar to another person.

She brings the glass to her mouth and relaxes a little bit.

The feeling of being watched is still there but alcohol won't fix that.

"You've got a stalker" a voice says beside her and she glances to the pretty pink haired girl and puts the glass back down.

"Not a stalker just my girlfriend" her face seemed to drop at the words but she did well enough to hide the immediate disappointment.

"Well she's very pretty and so lucky to have you on her arm" she thinks she see's her eyes drop down to her lips a few times in that sentence alone but refuses to acknowledge it

"You don't even know me, I could be a horrible girlfriend. Actually there's no argument there I am a horrible girlfriend" she looks away as a hint to drop the conversation because the whole mood was shifting.

"I don't know what your relationship is like, red but when your every move is being watched by your significant other it can't be healthy" she glances back at Veronica who's shamelessly glaring at them
"At the risk of getting slapped by Veronica Lodge, would you mind dancing with me?" She holds her hand out and Cheryl notices the snake ring on her thumb.

Is she a serpent?

"I don't dance with strangers" she tries but Toni just laughs

"I'm Toni Topaz, I am 24, I love taking pictures, I love burgers and I really really want to dance with you" Toni replies slyly and that's pretty much all Cheryl needed to follow her to the dance floor.

The soft melody played in the background and Cheryl felt her nerves rise.

Not only because her girlfriend and all of her friends were watching this but because she hadn't felt like this in a while.

Her heart was beating quickly in her chest and goosebumps decorated her arms.

There was something about the girl with the cotton candy hair

"So, Red am I gonna get some basic layout for who you are?" Toni whispers into the redhead's ear, trying very hard to ignore lodge's glares

"Well don't tell me you didn't ask just about everyone who I was" she joked but Toni smirked like that's exactly what she did
"Really? Hm...what did they say?"

"Cheryl Blossom, Art major, Archer and Veronica Lodge's prized red ruby"

Cheryl rolled her eyes at the last part and Toni pulled her closer, playing with the fire she was already engulfed in.

"Were they wrong?" She asks with a hint of hope in her voice

"There's more than just that..." she turns her head away but Toni pulls her back.

"Lucky for you that's something I can see on my own" she's carefully holding Cheryl's face but let's her hands slide away slowly.

The last thing she needs is to cause more drama than she probably already has.

The songs last few notes died out and Toni and Cheryl awkwardly stood in front of each other still mildly entranced.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be helping your buddies behind the bar?" Veronica's voice comes from behind them and Toni tightens her jaw, sighing at the interruption.

"They didn't need me so I opted to dress up instead" she replies to the raven haired girl who steps beside Cheryl, wrapping a possessive arm around her waist.

"Well my drink took a real long time to get to my table so maybe throw an apron on and help out" Cheryl didn't want to get involved so she stayed quiet and watched Toni try to keep her cool while Veronica spewed her jealous rage.

"I'm not gonna let your petty words get to me, Lodge. Have fun and..." she glances at Cheryl with a big smile "thank you for the dance"

Toni struts off towards the bar leaving Veronica and Cheryl on the dance floor.

"Who the hell does she think she is? Of all the women here she has to dance with mine?" she whines and Cheryl pulls away from her grip.

"I really don't want to be around your possessiveness right now so just...leave me alone , Veronica"

She left, refusing to look back at the girlfriend she was leaving stranded on the dance floor.

At least she could say she had one good dance tonight.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter but let me know if you guys like it 😊.

Based on a little party experience I had 😉.

Part two?


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