Chapter 2

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It's the day of the baseball game between the Arizona diamondbacks and the Washington nationals. Ty and Kyle are at the stadium trying to sneak in.

Announcer 1:welcome ladies and gentlemen to today's baseball game between the Arizona diamondbacks and the Washington nationals.

Announcer 2: it's a beautiful day for a game today and we all have to keep an eye out for Arizona's own Michael Trevor.

Announcer 1: yes indeed the 37 year old from Glendale,Arizona doesn't show one sign of age after his no hitter against the Red Sox last week.

Announcer 2:yeah let's hope he has another great game today.

As the pre game ceremony's happen Kyle and Ty are planning on how to sneak in to see Lucy.

Ty:okay so what's the plan pretty boy?

Kyle:don't start...okay so we will pretend we are part of a group of people who have tickets and we will walk right by the guards and go to the dugout...then we look for Lucy.

Ty:sounds pretty is easy right?

Kyle:well all we have to do if find a group of people and just talk to them until we get by the guards and into the dugout...that's easy.

Ty:okay then...oh there's a group of people right there.

Kyle:okay let's get your diamond back...ha get it!? Lucy is like your diamond and you want her back.

Ty:that is the cheesiest joke ever.

They get into a group of four people and get to the guards.

Guard:ticket please

Kyle:we are with them.

Guard:well do you have a ticket?

Kyle:no umm they bought us the tickets and gave them to you.

Guard:haha very funny no ticket no entry.

Ty: listen guard we need to find my long distance girlfriend Lucy Trevor..she's the sun of Michael Trevor... Please let us enter the game.

Guard:Listen I'm sorry but it's my job to only let the people with tickets in ticket no entry.

Ty and Kyle finally give up and head back to Ty's house.

Ty:okay what?

Kyle:i don't know that was all I got.

Kyle's mom: Kyle dinners ready I made lasagna...oh hi Ty come in eat with us.

Ty:no thanks I already ate before leaving my house.

Kyle:okay Ty so see you later

Ty:yeah peace.

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