Chapter 1

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In New York City Austin's phone rings and he picks was Ty.

Austin:hello what's up little bro?

Ty:dude I need your help...remember my girlfriend Lucy?

Austin:yeah didn't she move to Arizona?

Ty:yes but I want her back...I need to find her and since you take charge of the computer...can you search her dad up and maybe you'll find their apartment?

Austin:okay i will search her dad up....what's his name?

Ty:I believe his name is Michael Trevor.

Austin:okay i will call you when I find him okay? would prob have to come to Richmond considering the fact that I don't own a car.

Austin: are you serious?! And yet your I will see what I can do.

Ty:okay cya later.


Right after they hung up Austin talked to his girlfriend Brook.

Brook:Austin who was at the phone?

Austin:it was Ty.

Brook:oh what did he call for?

Austin:umm remember your best friend Lucy?

Brook:yeah what about her?

Austin:well Ty and her were dating and she moved to Arizona with her dad,Michael Trevor,and now Ty wants her back and he wants me to search up their location so he can find her.

Brook: you could have just said he wants her back cuz I already knew they were dating and she moved away.

Austin:well I still said it!

Brook:okay no need to yell,anyways dinners ready.

Austin:okay I'll serve myself some of your delicious food...wait...this is Chinese takeout...

Brook:oh yeah I forgot to tell you...we're ordering food today.

Austin:well that could have been useful information.

Brook:just shut up and eat!

Austin:okay relax!

Brook:never tell a girl to relax!

Austin:okay let's just eat before this turns into a food fight.

Brook: okay dig in.

Back in Richmond Ty was talking to his best friend Kyle about the situation Ty is in.

Kyle:so you really think your brother can track her down?

Ty:hopefully if not than I won't ever find her again.

Kyle:don't you think that she already has another boyfriend in Arizona?

Ty:no not really considering the fact that she travels where ever her dad goes.

Kyle:so she goes to every baseball stadium her dad goes to?

Ty:pretty much yeah.

Kyle:well then isn't there a game close around here?

Ty:umm I don't think so.

Kyle:yeah there is on Saturday there is a game the Arizona diamondbacks against the Washington nationals and Washington, D.C. Isn't that far away.


Kyle:yes really.

Ty:oh my gosh this is my chance to see her I need to buy tickets for the game!

Kyle:woah woah not so fast there buddy the lowest ticket price for the game is 110$ are you gonna get that kind of money?

Ty:...okay so now I'm regretting using all that money from my NASCAR win at concord, North Carolina.

Kyle:haha you didn't get that much money anyways the k and n pro series isn't that big.

Ty:yeah but I would have had enough money to afford the tickets for the game.

Kyle:well luck is on your side...I may have a way to sneak into the game without getting caught.

Ty:I don't like the sound of that but I'll do anything to get Lucy back.

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