The Bet Pt8/Ambreigns

Start from the beginning

So, days ago after getting dressed in a damn suit and tie; which he hated, he lived in jeans, he met up with Seth and Roman; both in suits and ties too, in the main part of their room. He had forgotten how good Roman looked in a suit. Once they were all ready they left to pick up Paige at her room, on the way he had talked to Roman; practically forgetting Seth was with them. While Seth went to Paige's door, he and Roman went to the elevator and waited. The guilt of what they were doing tried to get to him, but he pushed it away, reminding himself that he wasn't going to let Rollins win the bet!

A few seconds later Paige and Seth joined them; the trio had never seen her in a fancy dress and she wasn't used to seeing them dressed up either. They left and went to the trio's car; Dean sat in the passenger's seat, Roman drove, while Seth and Paige were in the backseat. The drive to the restaurant was hard on Dean because he couldn't stop the guilt from getting to him, as he watched and listened to Roman and Paige talk about the date, hoping Dean and Seth enjoyed themselves. For a few seconds in the car, when he met Seth's eyes, he could have sworn Seth felt like he did, but when Seth looked away it was gone, so Dean pushed the guilt away again. When they arrived at the restaurant they parked and got out, but were stopped by fans, so all four took time talking to them, signing autographs and posing for pictures. Realizing the time, Dean excused himself, went to the restaurant and spoke to the hostess telling her they were there, so she didn't cancel their reservations, he then went back outside to wait for them.

Dinner had been great, after they ate they left and at their car, Roman and Paige told them to make up for dragging Dean and Seth to the fancy restaurant they had planned a surprise for them. They all changed out of their fancy clothes and into regular ones, before they drove to their next destination...a carnival! For the first hour, they stuck together; playing games and eating junk food. After a while they separated; Dean and Roman, Seth and Paige, and had fun the rest of the night.

A month later the bet was still on, causing Dean and Seth to continue feeling guilty about it. Things between both couples were going great; they were practically inseparable. They had been on more dates; separately and double dates, and things were quickly getting serious. Whenever Dean or Seth wanted to call the bet off, before they could, the other one would taunt them and they wouldn't say anything. Then one night Dean was alone with Roman in their hotel room; Seth had gone out with Paige. Dean and Roman had stayed in to watch a movie and order room service. After they ate they were watching a movie, when Roman kissed Dean, which turned into a heated make out session, that was stopped a few minutes later by Roman pulling away. They talked about why they stopped and Roman told him he wasn't ready to make love yet. Dean reassured him he was okay with stopping, he didn't hate him for it and he'd wait until Roman was ready.

Dean then went into the bathroom, after he took care of himself, he cleaned up, as he thought about what just happened. He was shocked that Roman kissed him, but got over it quickly as they began making out. When Roman stopped though, Dean's first thought had been about how frustrated he was not being able to get a release after that hot as Hell make out session! His second thought was how he stood a chance of losing the stupid bet, but when Roman spoke explaining why, Dean suddenly felt sick with guilt and everything else didn't matter to him anymore.

He returned to Roman and they finished their movie, as they did Dean wished that he had never agreed to that damn bet! Stupid Rollins and his stupid bet! How could they do this to two innocent, sweet people? As Dean thought of Roman, he froze as the realization hit him...he was starting to fall for Roman! He shook his head reminding himself that he didn't do love; lust yes, love no! He's never loved anyone before; never even came close, until Roman freaking Reigns! He hoped Seth; the little shit disturber, won the bet, just so he could get rid of this damn guilt! He was going to call the bet off, he knew Seth would never let him live it down, but right now he really didn't give a shit, he was done!

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