Chapter 5:We are so leaving

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Hiccup came to his house to see Stoick still gone. He hoped that maybe, just maybe his father would have been at home worried sick about where Hiccup had gone, but it was too much to ask for.

He decided to take a walk through Berk to see if he could clear his head. While walking near the docks, he overheard the loud booming voice of his father. He walked toward the noise to see a tent and decided to eavesdrop on the meeting.

Hiccup could only make out a few words. From what he gathered, Stoick wanted to hunt down the nest once again. Hiccup sighed and started to walk away after hearing multiple Vikings make up excuses as why they couldn't go. However he paused when he heard his fathers voice ring out loud and clear,

"Alright then, those who stay, can look after Hiccup."

Instantly Hiccup heard almost every Viking ready to join his father in the hunt. He felt hurt betrayed. He began to think that nobody in the village truly cared for him, before he heard Gobber speak to his father,

"Well, and here I though you actually cared for the lad," Gobber said.

Stoick and Gobber came out of the tent, walking toward the docks.

"He's always been different Gobber," Stoick said.

"Different isn't always a bad thing Stoick. You're judging Hiccup just because he doesn't want to kill dragons. If I remember correctly, Valka was the same way," Gobber said.

Stoick faced Gobber, his face full of anger,

"And look what happened. The love of my life is gone thanks to those beliefs," Stoick said.

Gobber looked at Stoick, his face calm and serious.

"Look, Hiccup is never going to be the Viking you wanted, but his is still your son. Take pride in what he does and respect him for who he is," Gobber said.

Hiccup had tears coming down his face as he felt comforted that at least Gobber cared about him more than his father did.

The two Vikings kept walking away, further from where Hiccup hid.

Hiccup stood up, and ran toward his house, tears of sorrow coming down his face. Only Gobber and Gothi treated him with care and respected his decisions and were proud of him, but it wasn't enough. He would never get the acceptance of his village or his father. He opened the door and ran up to his room where he pulled out a basket and started packing up clothes and belongings. He exited the house with the basket on his back to see his father 10 feet away from the house staring dead at Hiccup.

Hiccup bolted, running toward the forest as he heard his father behind him. His father was getting closer with rage in his eyes. His face screaming that how dare Hiccup run away from his home like a coward.

Hiccup got to the edge of the cove when he jumped and screamed Toothless's name as he fell. He felt the night fury catch him and land on the edge of the cove. He hugged Toothless while the dragon returned it while still glaring at Stoick.

Stoick looked at Hiccup in disgust.

"So, this is where you went off to yesterday. This is why you decided to be a coward and vow to never hurt the beasts. You've thrown your lot in with them," Stoick said face full of disgust.

Hiccup felt all the emotions he had bottled up his life start coming out as he almost yelled at his- no, at Stoick.

"Yes, I've thrown my lot in with Toothless. The only one besides Gobber and Gothi who seemed to actually care about me. Toothless, who was the one who saved me 6 years ago from dying. Toothless, who made my life worth living and not a total hel. Meanwhile the Vikings, with the exception of Gobber and Gothi, bullied me, ridiculed me, shamed me, embarrassed me, and scorned me for nearly 13 years of my life. So yeah I have thrown in my lot with dragons, because they're the only ones who ever gave a damn about me," Hiccup almost yelled.

Stoick was revolted. His so- no, Hiccup, would rather be with the beasts than with his own kind. He was a traitor.

"If that's how you want it, then I mark Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III an outcast. He is now no longer part of the Haddock family and his right to chieftainship is now revoked," Stoick yelled, "you were never my son. All you were was a disappointment and an embarrassment."

Hiccup felt tears in his eyes. Stoick's words hurt him deeply. Being an outcast allowed any Viking to kill him without any consequence. He was banished from Berk also, he could never return. Sadness came over him as he realized that meant that he couldn't see Gobber or Gothi again without being killed.

Toothless meanwhile heard the entire conversation with outrage. This thing was no father of his brother. His brother had experienced unspeakable torments and Toothless would not have it. He smacked Stoick with his tail as hard as he could as he watched as he collided with a tree and heard many sickening cracks telling him that he had broken many bones.

"Don't you dare talk to my brother that way you monster," Toothless screeched.

"Thanks bud," Hiccup said as he hugged his draconic brother.

Hiccup mounted Toothless as they flew away from the hell hole known as Berk. Hiccup shuddered as he sobbed while his tears spilled onto his brother's back.

"He never loved me," Hiccup said while sobbing.

"But I do brother," Toothless said while reassuring Hiccup.

Hiccup cried himself to sleep while Toothless made sure he wouldn't fall off. He would take the young prince to the icy nest. Where he would be loved and treated with care and respect. Hiccup needed it.

With this plan in his mind, Toothless flew towards the new home the he and Hiccup would both love.

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