3. Picking Flavours

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" I wanna have a little bit of all the flavours." I tell Gina as she gets up to order our ice cream.

"All the flavours?"

I heave out a sigh and a confident smile appears across my face.

"Yes, Gina. Every. Single. Flavour."

She gets up from her chair, and goes ahead to place our order.

I turn around and look at the ice cream parlour.

A boy walks in with ear phones plugged in his ears. He's humming quietly to himself and the sight is all too adorable.

I want this in my life.

There's also a quiet girl two tables away who is paying more attention to her book than the ice cream cup in front of her. I have no idea what she was reading, but her smile widened.

I want that too in my life.

I don't wanna live by the rules of the society. I wanna live by my own rules. If the world doesn't accept it, I'm fine with it. I don't live to please this world. I live to please myself. I want everything in my life.

By the time Gina reaches to me, I realise one thing. Unlike most people, I appreciate all flavours of life. I take out a spoon of my ice cream and let out a soft moan.

Life is just like this ice cream. Every flavour is different but equally mind blowing. But we can enjoy it's taste only when we get to chose the flavour.

After all, love comes out in all the flavours.

Heck, life is too short to even pick a flavour!

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