"Shut up," I whispered-yelled.

She rolled her eyes at me, "She's sitting at least 10 feet away from you, it's not like she can hear it."

"Yeah, but others can and they might tell her."

"I honestly don't know what you're doing, man. Okay, I get that you like her, but don't cut her off completely because you can't deal with your feelings. Either you go back to being best friends with her or you just let go. Make up your mind, don't go all hot and cold on her." The warning glare she's giving me turned into a softer look before she continued, "Look... I'm not telling you to confess your feelings for her. All I'm saying is... Y/N's not as oblivious as she seems to be and she definitely has feelings too."

"I'm just scared that I'll lose her," I mumbled. I looked over to Y/N and saw that Normani's still talking to her.

"Did you tell her to say that?" I shifted my gaze back to Dinah and saw her tilting her head to one side.

"Say what?" I asked confused.

She raised her eyebrows at me, "Well, I mean, you obviously don't look as happy as your friend's describing you to be."

"I am happy," I said in the most confident tone I could pull off.

"Yeah, sure. It's not like you're looking miserable right now," she rolled her eyes at me. "And who's this new boyfriend of yours?"

"Oh uhm, he... uh... I met him a few days ago... at this coffee shop." I'm starting to regret more and more about telling Normani to tell them all these lies. I guess I was just trying to show Y/N that I can live perfectly fine without her, but thinking about it now, it made me realize how much of a stupid thing it was to do. I mean, even Dinah can see through it.

"You're a horrible liar, but if this is your decision, then fine." She nodded her head to herself and stood up. Just when I thought she was going to walk away, she leaned down to my ear, "By the way, she has a date with Lauren tomorrow, but I guess you already know that." She gave me one final pointed look and patted my shoulder before walking back to her table.

Why does she always know everything? The only thing I've ever told her is that I'm crushing on Y/N and at that time, these feelings I have for her weren't even this strong and serious yet.

I buried my face in my hands and groaned out loud. That night... I knew it was going to have its consequences, but I still kissed her. I guess the whole thing with Noah was kinda the icebreaker. For the first time in all the relationships I've had, I felt loved and cared about, even though it's still nothing compared to with Y/N, it felt like a real relationship for once. But of course, everything would turn out to be a lie. That just made me realize that... no matter how hard I'm trying to forget or get over Y/N by being with someone else, at the end of the day, nobody can make me feel the way she does.

I figured that if trying to find someone to replace her doesn't work, then maybe I should try something else. Like completely distancing myself away from her and I don't know... seeing her in a relationship with someone else. I just wanna destroy all my chances before I get false hope again. That should make me forget about these stupid feelings. And that is what I'm trying to do right now. Make her forget about me, so I can move on from her easier.


I adjusted the mustache above my lips and quickly hid behind the newspaper I'm holding. Lauren had just rung the doorbell, so Y/N could be coming out of her house any moment.

As if on cue, Y/N opened the door and greeted Lauren with a hug. I should've asked Lauren what they're going to do for this date. Well, at least I'm glad that they're going there on feet, because I don't have a car to follow them if they were to use something else.

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