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Noah's POV

After settling Elle up in her room, Naomi joins me in mine, she leans back on my bed and frowns. 

"What a asshole, Elle's totally heartbroken." She sighs.

My elbows are laid on my knees and I'm leaning forward.. Poor Elle, I'm seriously so damn angry that jerk let her down, and to make it worse.. he's just like Logan.

"Peter helped her through a rough patch at a party, and him being un-loyal really hurt her." I mutter. 

Naomi sighs and puts her head on my shoulder, joining our hands. "Maybe all she needs is a spa day." She says.

I look at her. "A what?" 

"I'll take her out, a girl's day out and we'll get our nails done... hair done, the works." She smiles at me. "And when she's done, we'll talk about how she doesn't need Peter, he's in the past, a total mist over him.."

I shake my head and squeeze her hand. "How did I get so lucky, you are seriously amazing." I give her a short kiss. "Elle would love that." 

She leans up and presses a kiss on my lips, it ends up being a make out session, I squeeze her hips and she stops it from becoming too carried away, we're in the house.. with my sister in the room next to us. 

"I think I'm the lucky one, Noah." She looks up at me with a sparkle in her eyes. "I never thought surfing out in rough currents would lead me to 'us'... you know?" 

I chuckle softly and lean my head against hers. She brings her hand up and strokes my cheek, I've not shaved in two days, causing a stubble to grow.. maybe that's my next chore. I hear knocking at my door and I look up. 

"Come in!"

Naomi gets off my lap, but still sits next to me. Elle walks in shyly and I break into a soft smile.

"Elle." I say.

She sighs. "Can we talk...?"

Naomi stands up and smiles at me, she lets go of my hand and walks to the door. "I'll be in the kitchen with your mom." She winks at me and closes the door behind herself. She understood everything happening here, that's why I love her... yeah, it's quick, but I couldn't stop it.. she just made it too easy. 

"Are you feeling better?" I ask, wincing. 

"I.. I think so." 

I sigh. "Come here." 

She walks over and I take her arm, pulling her into a warm hug. She holds onto me and tucks her head into my chest. 

"I just don't know what I did wrong.." She whispers.

I put my head on top of hers and stroke her arm. "You didn't do anything, it's his fault and it's his loss.. you're amazing, Elle." I lean away so I can look at her. "There's many guys out there who are jerks. You have to be careful to find the one for you, I'm not going to lie to you, there's going to be more jerks in your future. But you get to knock them off, and you have a brother to do that for you." I smile. 

She smiles back. "You have a knack of making me feel better, Noah." 

"Isn't that my job?" I wink. 

She laughs softly and leans against me. "You and Naomi are nice together, I'm happy for you." She says after a short silence. 

"Isn't she great? I'm a lucky guy, I know that." 

"Are you falling for her, Noah?" She asks.

I try hiding the smile but it's just impossible. "I've already fallen."

She gasps and grins. "Seriously?" 

I nod. "You'll always be my number one, but she means the world to me." 

She nods. "Then tell her." 

"It's too soon.. I think." 

She laughs. "Are you crazy? I know she loves you just by the way she looks at you and how she cares about me like a sister. Do it." 

I nod slowly. "Look whose giving me advice now!"

She smiles sweetly now and gives me one last hug. "Don't let this one get away." 


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