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Noah's POV

What I like about the early mornings is no one really is on the beach, except for the lifeguards setting up. I wave at Gonzo and 'H' passing by and put my surfboard down on the water, I go and start paddling deeper out. 

I sit back and look at the sun raising, shift my board for the upcoming wave and get to action in the matter of seconds. Standing up and riding the wave, I hoot out in joy, doing some tricks I've learned from Kerrbox and dad. 

When the wave fades out I come up for a breather and sit back on my board, I watch toward the beach, people are already arriving, then I see the lifeguards riding out with rhinos on the beach to their places for the rest of the day. 

I continue to ride a few more waves till I notice they're getting more or less more rough, it must be a huge tide today, you can't beat the weather.. well, I can. I chuckle to myself and get ready for a huge one. Surfers can be nervous about these kinds of waves, but I can't. It's not in my blood, I hoot when it pulls me off and I stand up after a bit, feeling a sense of freedom while I ride the big wave carefully.

When I'm knocked off and on my board again, I hear screaming. I frown and turn my head toward the noise, it's from the icebergs where the currents always pull careless swimmers in. I paddle a bit over but not too much since I've learned from my mom and dad that it wasn't safe. 

Whatever sense my parents knocked into me was wiped out immediately when I see a girl my age being swept up in the currents that are threatening to crush her into the cliff. I paddle faster than I've ever done and am almost there when the waves them-self are crushing at me. 

I ditch my board, and start swimming instead, I keep my eyes on the girl and grab onto a rocky edge and pull myself up. The girl's climbing up too but she fails and is swept out, I jog quickly over and jump back into the water to get her. 

She doesn't notice me there but I don't care, I grab her arm and pull her over to me, I dive and swim back to the rocks. When I pull her onto them, I see she's not awake, panic takes over and I lean down to hear if she's breathing. I feel for a pulse and smile, alright... breathing... 

She coughs suddenly and shots up, I keep my hold on her. The water around us is drenching us even more but all I do is look down at this girl... she's... beautiful? Long brown hair, green eyes and a smoking hot figure, the wet suit doesn't help me either.  She looks at me and sighs. 

"You're alright, you got caught in the currents... they're rough." I say to her.

She smiles at me. "You saved my life... thanks." 

I hear shouting and turn around, it's Hutz on a jet ski, he's waving me over to the water edge. I put up a thumbs up and point to the path toward the beach, letting him know we can get back to the beach ourselves. 

Hutz rides off and I look down at the girl. "Can you walk?"

She nods. "I can." 

I help her up and we walk slowly on the path toward the beach, she doesn't talk much but I don't mind.. if I was in a rough patch a minute ago I wouldn't either. When we get back to safety she pulls away from me and smiles shyly. 

"I have to thank my savior, my name's Naomi." She puts out her hand. 

I shake it. "Noah." 

She continues to smile and pulls her hair away from her face, only then did I notice the scratches on her leg and arm from the beating she took back there. I frown and nod to her leg. 

"You're hurt." 

She waves it off. "I'm going to be okay." 

"I'd check that out. Come on, let's go to the lifeguard tower, they're pretty good at their job, if I can say so myself." 

She nods. "Okay, if you say so." 

"Oh, I do." I smile.

She laughs and takes the lead, me following from behind her. When we get to the tower, Hutz is already jogging toward us and looking us both over. 

"Noah, you alright?" He asks me.

I nod to Naomi. "She's beaten up.. but I'm good. Take her up will you?" I ask him.

Hutz pats my back. "Good job, mate. Your parents are going to be hopping up and down." 

I shake it off. "Forget to tell them?" 

He chuckles and turns to Naomi. "Hello, I'm Harrison. We'll go in and fix you up.. alright?" 

She nods at him. "Thanks, I'm Naomi." 

She steps up on the first step of the ladder and turns to face me. "Thank you again, Noah... I won't forget that." 

I grin. "We'll see.. take care, Naomi." 

"Bye, Noah." 

She disappears from my sight and I stand there utterly frozen... beautiful? Oh hell no, Naomi is breathtaking and this wasn't going to be the last time I see her. 


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