Regina shakes her head and slides the glass across the slick counter for Graham to catch effortlessly. "I thought no ex-fiancé talk?"

"You're drunk," she bluntly states, studying the flushed cheeks and tussled hair from this gorgeous creature through squinted eyes.

"You are as well, besides that was the purpose of this outing. I have been here three days now and I only have four left."

"Alright, let's make the most of it. Graham! Another round!" She calls out, leaning heavily across the bar.

Something catches Regina's eye, because Emma can feel the intense gaze burning a hole right through her chest, but the amount of alcohol coursing through her veins is far too much to investigate further or truly care.

"Give it at least ten minutes, Emma, you and Regina are going to spend the night with your heads in the toilet if you don't chill," Graham scolds, but he is still smiling affectionally toward both of them.

"Fine," she grumbles, hazardously sliding back into her stool knowing damn well he is right, they cannot continue at this pace if they want to survive.

"They have a nice fire just outside on the patio do you want to check it out?" Regina questions before turning her attention toward Graham and ordering two Southern Comfort and Cokes with limes, which he makes her even though he just denied Emma her shots.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," she responds before sliding off her seat.

Except, her foot slips and maybe she misjudged the distance between the floor and the bottom of the stool because she stumbles the slightest bit. Luckily, Regina catches her upper arm and steadies her balance.

"Maybe you shouldn't have this one," Regina muses, but still proceeds to place the cocktail in her hand.

"Oh shut up," she scrunches up her nose as her face blushes a deep crimson. "I'm fine. I'm just a known klutz," she fully admits, like it's something to be proud of.

"Whatever you say, Swan."

Regina takes the lead through the crowded bar. Hot sticky bodies are pressing against one another as people dance and devour each other's faces. The music consumes her body as the swift sound of the foreign language fills her ears. Her body is on cloud nine, buzzing from the alcohol and the comfort of her new companion.

When they step out onto the patio, the warm evening air envelops her limbs while her eyes take in the roaring fire off in the corner. There are people gathering all along the fire, creating a circle of joy. Regina wraps her free fingers around Emma's wrist and drags her toward the only available seat next to the fire.

"Ciao," Regina beams enthusiastically to the people huddled in a circle as she falls into the vacant seat.

The crowd repeats her greeting with even more enthusiasm while Emma is an awkward bumbling mess standing beside the seat while her mind races with where she should plant her bottom. That's when Regina tugs on her wrist causing her to tumble into the woman's inviting lap. Regina laughs Emma's favorite carefree giggle that she keeps reserved for only a select few, before she sips her drink and places it next to her chair.

A few people lean forward and begin speaking so rapidly in Italian. Emma attempts to follow along and hopes that she can pick up on a few words, but it all sounds like one big word that they are singing so sweetly.

Regina laughs as she happily responds while Emma proceeds to sit like a ventriloquist dummy upon her lap, waiting for her master to make her speak. Regina speaks animatedly with her hands just like all the other Sicilian's surrounding them. When her hand falls to her side, her fingers lightly brush against Emma's upper thigh, where her dress is hardly clinging on to keep her goodies hidden. Her entire body shivers in delight and is screaming for this beautiful woman to touch her like that just once more.

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