Pt 5

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B : sorry that happened I guess I was scared of loosing you .
J: you won't ever loose me .
V: ok well now that you guys are ok, jug I think you know what to do.
J: yeah , I'll be back
B: wait where are you going ?
J: I'm going to talk to Cheryl and tell her that i have you and that I moved on.
B: ok (they kissed)
J: I'll be back
( jughead headed to Cheryl's , knock knock )
J: hey Cheryl how are you?
C: good thanks for asking , so what was that about earlier babe?
J: Cheryl we aren't together I moved on ok
C: umm what do you mean?
J: um I mean that I have a girlfriend-
(She interrupted)
C: oh you mean that girl who ran away crying like a little girl? Ok you need to break up with her before I do something horrible to her.
J: you wouldn't dare
C: actually yea I would , get off of my doorstep babe , I am VERY upset. (Slams the door)
J:( when Cheryl gets mad she won't stop until she gets what she wants , we have to go back to LA before things get scary, I walk in the house )
J: guys we need to get out of here .... NOW!
V: what why we just got here !
A: jug what's up bro
J: Cheryl wants revenge
A: oh no thats not good
( the girls start cracking up laughing there heads off)
B: you're scared of a-a girl ( starts laughing)
V: what could she possibly do?
A: no guys it's really not funny she gets really mean.
J: yeah guys this isn't funny
B: I know but your grown men
J: that's not the point she wants you Betty !
( the room got quiet )
B: I'm fine , I WILL be fine I have you guys.
A: but  she's crazy!
J: yeah not someone you want to mess with, Betty she will hurt you if she gets the chance .
B: ok I'll stay in the house 24/7 , come on it's just a week.
J: ok but keep the doors locked!
B: ( I thought this was pretty childish she's a grown woman what is she ganna do to me?)
( soon the gang head to bed)
    * 12:00*
B: jug
J: what
B: am I safe?
J : as long as your with me , I just don't want you to get hurt ok?
B: ok
( they fall asleep and cuddle)
B: ( I wake up at 6 in the morning , no one else is awake I get on my running clothes and head outside, i figured I would be fine since it's really early in the morning and no one would be awake , i started running , and I felt like someone was watching me. I got a little creeped out and started to circle back to the house, when I was catching my breath by the door someone grabbed me )

B: let me go! (It was Cheryl she started punching me, I saw my blood on the ground , I got dizzy and then she stopped punching when she saw archie)
( she ran off )
A: ( I looked at Betty and she looked horrible, blood everywhere cuts that looked like they will be scars, I picked her up and brought her inside , I laid her on the couch)
J: ( I heard Archie yelling and Betty wasn't in bed, I ran downstairs)
J: oh my god
( she looked really bad I started crying)
J: what happened!
A: wash her off I'll go get v!
J: oh Betty I told you to stay with me ( I saw that she was in her running clothes so she must have been taking her usual run, I picked her up and put her in the car )
J: Betty we are going to the hospital ok? ( she couldn't talk )

Writer :::::Sorry guys this was an intense chapter, if you can't tell soon they will be heading back home 😂 next chapter soon🍿🍿🐶🍇👍🏻💋🌈

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