"Don't worry - it's a big cabin more like a compound really other people will be staying there as well probably five or so. Nothing too big but enough for security. Analia's his most prized possession - even though he doesn't quite show it. She's his soft spot - if other people knew that..." Evan stated and trailed off as he looked down. He couldn't imagine the things other people would do to her especially because she didn't want to be involved in any of it. Harry nodded his head understandingly at his words and pursed his lips.

"Okay... when does he want Analia to go?" Harry murmured in reply.



HARRY walked towards the direction of Analia's room. His feet practically taking him there themselves. He had already memorized the way despite his short duration. Harry made his way through the crowd whilst looking at different papers on the way and grabbing a few secretively before folding them up and placing them in his pocket. He'll give them to Niall later because maybe some of them would hold some substantial information.

He got to the hallway where her room was - standing practically outside her door but noticed the small opening. Harry looked through the small slit of light where he could see Analia on the edge of her bed, holding onto something in her hand. He squints his eyes to get a closer look but instead manages to hit the door a bit causing Analia to look up. Harry clears his throat for a moment before straightening up - hopefully she hadn't caught him gawking at her. 

Analia looked up at his figure before sighing and looking back down at the item in her hands. Harry pursed his lips and looked at her before slowly making his way over to her. His hands behind his back as he walked so carefully - he felt as if he was walking on eggshells and in some way he was. 

Harry had trained for this. In the academy, interrogation was always one of the key aspects of being an agent and Harry was pretty good at it. He was top notch really. He always saw the slightest ticks - whether said person was lying or telling the truth.

"What's on your mind?" But with Analia, it was almost like all his skills were stripped away from him. He couldn't exactly read her - he could to a certain extent but never fully and that bothered him to wits end. Harry mumbled the words, breaking the silence. He looked at her face to see anything - but saw nothing. Analia's eyes were downcast which led Harry to look down too. His eyes landing on a photo in a frame. Two girls - one significantly older than the other one. Harry heard Analia take a deep breath which caused him to look at her - seeing that her eyes were closed.

"I don't like feeling like this..." She mumbled so quietly - Harry almost didn't catch it. Harry had a feeling that she wasn't quite done with whatever she had to say, so he kept his mouth shut.

"I just feel so useless... my mom, I could've saved her - but I-I..." Analia spoke and looked up at Harry with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. Harry was looking into hers as well and he could feel the genuine pain in her. The hurt that was taking over her body but before he knew it - her eyes left his but was replaced with something else. Analia's lips were pressed up against him, catching him extremely off guard. He didn't think that it would turn out like this - far from it.

"Distract me." She mumbled against his plump lips before placing the picture frame down onto the floor slowly and grabbing his hands. Harry slowly pulled away from her but Analia kept leaning into him, giving him soft pecks on his mouth and neck. 

"Analia, you're hurting and I know that - so this shouldn't be the time okay?" He spoke when he had parted inches away from her. Their faces so close she could feel the warmth of his breath hitting her face. Harry was looking into her blue eyes seeing an emotion flicker through her eyes before it was gone and then he was being pushed onto the bed.

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