"We look like a couple" Jennie joked as Lisa emerged from the bathroom in the clothes the elder had given her to wear, a short blue plaid skirt with white tights underneath for warmth, a white shirt tucked into the waistband and a denim jacket. Jennie was wearing a blue plaid dress the same pattern as the skirt and a dark brown leather jacket. The comment was only in jest and nothing serious yet Lisa found herself hiding her blushes. "Dad's gonna drop us off at school on his way to work and mom has made us both lunches...I'm sorry about her" the black haired girl said apologetically while collecting her school books. The Thai shook her head and smiled, "don't be, she's nice". 

"Have a good day at school girls and study hard...both of you" Mrs Kim said as she handed the girls their lunches. Lisa bowed again politely, "one question Mrs Kim, how did you know I was here?". Jennie's mother smirked, "because my husband often listens up at the wall with a glass to hear if there are any boys in our Jen's room, he heard you talking".  - I wonder if they'd be ok with me sleeping in her room if they knew we kissed- she questioned in her mind before shrugging off the thought and following Jennie and her father to the car. 

Mr Kim used his sleeve to wipe the snow off the windscreen of his car before sticking his head through the open window in his car door, "ok ladies I am just going to tie the reindeer to the front of the car and we'll be on our way" he quipped while laughing at his own joke. Jennie groaned again, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples as though Mr Kim was giving her a headache, "you're really not funny dad". Mr Kim paid no attention to his daughter's criticism and continued laughing to himself as he started up the car's engine. Lisa also found herself giggling, that goofy giggle that made Jennie's heart skip beats, the Thai was more amused by the fact that Mr Kim found his lame joke so funny more than she was amused by the joke itself but her laugh made Mr Kim laugh more...which made Lisa laugh even harder which then caused Jennie to burst out laughing, the three of them all giggling like idiots the entire drive to school. 

"Drive safe daddy!" Jennie called through the car door before closing it and making her way through the school gates. As Lisa was about to follow the older girl Mr Kim grabbed the Thai's attention, "Lisa I need to have a quick word while Jen's gone". The brunette tilted her head, "of course sir, is something wrong?". "That's what I was hoping you could tell me" he said with a sigh, "Jennie's grades have slipping recently as she seems distracted all the time, me and her mother are starting to worry. I'm sure she has told you that we are very strict and demanding of her but understand that it's only because we want what is best for her. Sure, I can be tough on her sometimes but I love my little Jendeukie with all my heart, she is my world. I am not blaming you for anything Lisa you seem like an intelligent girl but if there is something going on in my daughter's life or she is ever in some sort of trouble, promise me that you'll tell either myself or my wife. Please". Lisa nodded nervously, "I promise Mr Kim. Are you worried she'll end up like one of the missing girls?" she asked noticing the man glancing at a missing poster attached to the school gates. Mr Kim smiled "no no of course not, they just got bored and skipped town, you know what you kids are like, they will be back when they get it out of their system" he replied in a cheery voice but Lisa could tell by the concerned look in his eyes that he didn't believe that at all, there was something sinister going on and Mr Kim clearly felt it too.  

"What did my dad want?" Jennie asked curiously once Lisa had caught up with her. The Thai linked her arms with her friend her cheeks flushed from the cold, "he wanted to know if there was anything going on with you, that you seemed distracted and your grades are slipping". The older girl laughed, "that's your fault Manoban, you're a bad influence". Lisa smirked, "true but I couldn't tell him that could I. Besides, I got you to bed at a pretty reasonable time last night" she jested. The girls paused and looked into each others eyes for a second, the mention of last night bringing back the intermate sleep they both shared to their minds, including the sexual tension. Jennie's gaze was broken once she saw a certain Greaser jogging towards them, "oh look your boyfriend is here, better go find mine before class. I miss him" she said in a petty tone before storming off, well, as much as someone as short as Jennie could storm off in thick layers of snow and slippery ice. The younger girl had no choice but to watch on in bemusement. 

Over and Over JenLisa AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora