9.Shraman know it all

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There coud not be a better day to post  n update than "THE SHRAVAN MALHOTRA" Birthday. So this one is for Shravan who is not only a character for me but much more than that n will always live in my heart forever

Happy Birthday Shravan❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Suman was getting ready fr pct as the sun rises n sun rays coming in her room frm the only window in her room.

She have so much memories attached the this window. When she get sad this is the only place where she find peace. When she have to ponder she stand there. When she missed her parents she look at the sky frm there. Even in childhood this was the window where she waited tht her parents will come n took her back but they never came still she sat there daily even now with a hope tht one day if not her parents but a person will come in her life who filled the empty void in her heart.

She was as usual looking out the birds chirping when she saw someone coming through the gate with long steps to cover the path quickly as he is in a hurry.

"What is he doing here so early?" Suman thought

Suman was going to look out when she saw pretti in a hurry going upstairs.

She widen her eyes n went back in her room. She closed the door n dailed a numbr

"Hey Suman! I was just coming there"

"Oh thts great! Just come as quick as u can" she whispered

"Why r u speaking like this?"

"U knw wht pushkar is here!"

"What is he doing there?"

"Donno? But i saw him coming n thn pretti going upstairs"

"Really!! No one saw him?"

"No one is home they went to mamiji's home fr a wedding function n now i get it why preeti didnt go. U plz come soon i want to catch them red handed"

Shravan chuckled at her enthusiam "i will be there in 5 min"

Soon shravan came n as he was going inside some one hold his hand


"They r upsatirs. I dnt knw wht they r talking i cant hear tht" she sounded disappointed

"U were evesdropping?" shravan stretched his eyebrow

"So wht she is my little sister"


"No but what. Lets go i cant wait to see their pale faces" she said with a smirk lingering on her face

Shravan shook his head at her n both headed upstairs

There the two love birds standing face to face looking at each other with so much love in their own world

Suman looked at shravan "okay make a straight face"

"Ready" he murmered

"Ahem ahem" she cleared her throat to get their attention

But they were so busy in each other

Shravan hold his laugh but suman saw it

She hold the empty pot near her n aimed little away frm their feet

Both jumped simultaneously n its like cat got their tongue

No one said a word they were so shocked to see thm

Suman went near pretti " what's all this pretti?" she said with a straight face

"Suman its..its....i..i.." pushkar stammered

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