SA- Broken Promises (Kyungseok)

Start from the beginning

"Kyu-hyung" Taeseok spoke first, Kyunghun's eyes widened at the sudden formality. He looked down at his free hand before gently running it through his hair

"Tae-" was all he could say before his voice cracked, he was fighting back tears as he fiddled with the small re-folded paper rose.

"Kyungie- are... are you crying?" Taeseok asked with a soft voice that seemed to echo through Kyunghun's body, hitting his heart where it hurt

"I just... I miss you, I miss being able to see you and tease you about wearing my sweaters and, and- I just miss being able to hold you" Kyunghun broke, tears suddenly began to trickle down his cheeks.

"Kyungie... please" Taeseok's voice was quiet and barely audible, His bottom lip quivers slightly.

"I will be hope soon... I promise, but until then we can keep texting? You can tell me how your day way and anything that happened or we can just talk about anything" Taeseok spoke as Kyunghun stopped crying to let out a soft chuckle.

"you missed Minsung-hyung be nice today..." Kyunghun leant his head back against the door, hearing Taeseok's laugh through the phone caught his attention as he stares up at the ceiling.

"I did? Woah... you're going to have to tell me all about how he was when I get back hm!" Taeseok said with a giddy voice, it was happy and radiated through the phone.

"yeah... I'll tell you all about it Tae" Kyunghun's voice was no longer weak nor quivering, it was stable yet monotone.

"Kyungie... please stay on the phone until I fall asleep... just for tonight, it's the only way I can feel like I'm close to you when I'm so far away" Taeseok spoke in a soft tone, followed by the rustle of bedsheet as he laid down placing the phone on the pillow next to his head, carefully repositioning himself where his own head would lay comfortably with his headphones in. Kyunghun agrees almost instantly.

"Of course, ... I'll stay on as long as you want me to" He smiled, gently running his fingers through his hair with a smile.

The call was silent for a few minutes, Kyunghun had originally thought Taeseok had fallen asleep so he stayed silent until "Kyung? Can I ask you something?" Taeseok broke the silence, holding the headphone mic up in front of his face.

"hm? Yeah sure what is it?" Kyunghun replied in an unsure tone as he leant against the door "what... are we? Like... I know we're bandmates and all but like Us? I- never mind!" Taeseok Stammers, blurting out everything and anything before Kyunghun chuckles softly.

"Tae... firstly; calm down... secondly; we can be whatever you want us to be, so answer me this; what do you want us to be?" He asked, Taeseok ponders on the question for a few minutes before taking a long deep breathe in.

"I want you to be mine hyung..." Taeseok spoke hesitantly as a light pink tint spreads across his cheeks. Kyunghun covers his mouth with his hand as he looks down at the phone in his hands.

"i- I'd like that" He answered, mustering up all the courage he had and putting it into that small sentence "really?!" Taeseok yelped back.

"yes really" Kyunghun simply replied shaking his head as he stands up, walking over to his bed and laid across putting the phone on his chest.

The phone call goes on for the entire night, Kyunghun stays awake just listening to Taeseok. His soft snores and whimpers through the phone make Kyunghun want to fly all the way to him yet, he cannot, for both his and Taeseok's safety. Oh, how he wished he'd ended the call. 3:32Am, Drunken slurs and yells were all he could hear as his attention was drawn away from the page of lyric ideas to his phone.

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