SQ - Love Isn't Free, Darling (Jaeho)

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Author's Note: Whoever can guess the song I describe in this drabble, I applaud you 👀👀

Jaewon pushed away from his desk, spinning slowly in his swivel chair. For flips sake, it'd been 2 hours and he'd only written two paragraphs for his ten page essay, which was also due in what, five hours? Fucked, I'm fucked. The boy glanced at his digital clock, the red numbers flashing radiantly, 2:30 am. Make that triple fucked. Jaewon felt a small bit of him die on the inside, letting out a groan. However, his miserable thoughts were cut off when he heard the door to the living room click. A tall male with jet-black messy hair entered the dorm, his onyx eyes standing out despite the lack of light in their room.

It wasn't that Dongho was a party animal, he was actually quite the opposite if you asked Jaewon. Unfortunately for him, his friends were. The cherry-haired boy had never met them personally, but he'd heard bits and pieces of stories about them from around campus. Minyoung was close friends with one of them, the blondie with the cute spectacles. It was pretty odd for Jaewon to know so much about Dongho and his friends since the pair never really interacted. It was a surprise for them to even be roomed together, Jaewon was a business major while Dongho was the only psychology major on their floor.

Jaewon shook his head, his thoughts making him drowsy. He turned around in his swivel chair. He seriously had to finish this paper, it was going to be an important grade, the semester was almost over and- a hand tapped his shoulder. Jaewon flinched a bit at the touch, he jerked his neck only to see the hand coiling backward.

"Er-um, I didn't mean to scare you but I wanted to ask something..." Dongho's hushed deep voice surprised Jaewon, his sleepy haze gone. "I, well... I was wondering if you could come to the convenience store with me?" His uptight posture and worried features told Jaewon Dongho was obviously not used to going out alone this late at night. He contemplated for a bit before nodding; its not like he was going to finish this essay anyways. Dongho made a small noise of surprise before straightening up. "Er, yeah. Um, I'll just... wait for you outside the door. Thanks." The taller boy hesitated before giving a curt nod and shutting the door. Jaewon pushed away from his desk, his chair spinning in circles. Okay. Damn. That was... okay. He rubbed his temples, spotting his jacket tossed messily on the floor.

"Here goes nothin', I guess," he murmured, shrugging it on. He waddled over to the door, his legs wobbly from sitting for so long. He stumbled, a soft thud sounding from where he fell by the coat rack. "I swear, Dongho, sorry-" Jaewon started before he heard a muted hiss. Did I leave the stove on or something when I made ramen? Jaewon stood up before hearing the hiss again, this time more clear. The hiss was coming from the door which meant two things: either his lack of sleep was getting to him, or a snake had managed to slide in from under the door. The second wouldn't be a surprise to Jaewon, Lord knows what more screwed up shit he's seen due to mother nature. The sleepy boy started towards the door cautiously, holding up one of his boots as a weapon. "Sheriff Woody says, 'fuck you too snake,'" Jaewon mumbled, eyes darting around the narrow entrance way.

"No, you fuck wads, he probably fell asleep already- listen, I'll get your shitty alcohol with him, but that's it for tonight." Jaewon shook his head slowly, realizing the hissing- no, the voice belonged to Dongho. Wow... He'd never heard someone more flustered and angry at the same time. Seriously, what type of screwed up shit were Dongho's friends up to all the time? He shook his head, he probably couldn't talk; God knows what people have heard about him and Minyoung. The red haired boy put down the boot, sighing. "Yo, sorry, I couldn't find my jacket." Jaewon said, the lie slipping easily out of his mouth. Dongho nodded easing his phone into his pocket.

"Its no problem, the convenience store is open 24 hours..." Dongho rubbed the back of his neck before starting to walk to the elevator on their floor.

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