N - Don't Worry (Kyungseok)

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Kyunghun scrolled through the many comments on his recent instagram post. It was a selfie of him smiling big and giving heart fingers. He had only wanted to see what fans had to say about it, maybe find something the band could use in the future. However, Kyunghun grew upset. Instead of focusing on the good comments that showed appreciation and love, he had his attention on the hate.

It was the kind of hate that you'd normally see on a post of any sort. The 'you are so ugly, sa1nts would be better off without you', 'you are the least talented out of all your members', 'wow he is so self absorbed, why would anyone be a fan of his?' kind of messages. It hurt to see such rude things being said and it bugged him that people had the nerve to single out one person because they didn't like them. What had he done wrong though? Was he really that easy to dislike?

Sighing, Kyunghun put down his phone and made his way to Taeseok's room. Tae was always there when he needed him, and that meant the world to Kyunghun. The taller male knocked, noticing how quickly the shorter opened the door.

"Do you need something?" the purple headed male asked, taking the lollipop he had been eating out of his mouth.

Kyunghun began to feel embarrassed. He stood there for a minute or so, wondering if he should say or not. He internally sighed to himself, realizing it was indeed too late to back out.

The taller male scratched the back of his neck desperately trying to find the right words to express how he felt without coming off as an idiot, "Well um-"

Tae cut him off already seeming annoyed, "Could you hurry up? Time only ticks on and every second you stand there blankly, you waste."

"How does one deal with massive hate from others and yourself," Kyung rushed quickly. He didn't want to waste Tae's time and or annoy him.

The purple haired male stood still, looking at the taller with wide eyes. "Hate?' he had managed to mumble while he watched the other boy nod his head. Since when was Kyung letting that kind of stuff get to him? How long had it been going on? Quietly, one boy was dragged into the others room. "Tell me what's going on."

Kyung felt even more embarrassed as he started his explanation, "Well I felt bad for not posting more, I felt like the cup1ds would like at least a photo and a message of my appreciation.." he glanced up to see if Tae was listening, "but when I looked through the comments all I could focus on was the rude messages being left by fans and antis. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, I know it's stupid to be upset over but sometimes you can't ignore it." He had teared up a tad.

It had hurt Tae to see his fellow member upset and it hurt him even more knowing that there were Sa1nt 'fans' singling him out. A sudden anger rose from within and a simple laid back hand balled into a fist. It was appalling to know that people felt the need to take precious time out of their day just to make others feel horrible about themselves.

"Kyung, look at me," he placed his finger under the chin of the taller male and lifted his head, "Look, i know it hurts, trust me I do, but just know you have people who do love and support you no matter what you do and who you decide to become. Those 'fans' aren't really fans. If they were then they definitely would be bringing you up, not pushing you down."

Kyung listened to every word as Tae began to rant on an on about how hate is stupid and how kyung deserves the world. The more he went on the redder his face became. Kyung had only thought of it as anger, but in reality it was Tae blushing. The both became absorbed with one another, listening to the words spewing out more rapidly by the second.

That was until Tae had made a move. He suddenly kissed the other boy. As startled as he was, Kyung kissed back. By now, as both boys separated, they had turned red. Kyung realized then and there that he didn't need all those people. As long as he had the ones he loved and the ones that loved him he would be okay. Especially if Tae was one of them.

By: Nemo

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