Must Love Dogs

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"Pssh... psh, please, what? I'm not even... you're the cute... I can't- Stan! This guy thinks I'm cute." Eddie managed eventually, much to the amusement of the stranger driver. He finally turned to Stan who had rolled down his own window to try and get Eddie back inside.

"Eddie, will you please sit back down and buckle up? You're going to hurt yourself." Stan pleaded, putting on his best mom-face, but Eddie was not to be trifled with. There was a hot boy and a cute dog close by and Eddie was never one to not have his priorities straight.

"Stan, please," Eddie said in his most reasonable voice, continuing to pet the head of the fluffy dog, "I am in the middle of something very important." Stan just scoffed and Eddie heard Mike let out a bellowing laugh, but Eddie paid them no mind, that calm that always came with a high settling over him sweetly.

"You," Eddie pointed at the driver guy, "Have a very nice face. And smile. Me and my friends are going to get McFlurries, would you and your... child friend like to join us? We could hold hands and talk about your dog and maybe why your glasses are so big."

"Eddie, I have to move forward, if you don't get your body in the car right now-"

"Stan, please!" Eddie begged and yelped slightly when the car inched forward with traffic, Eddie's body still half out of the car. Luckily the other lane was moving slowly with them, so Eddie just held on to the puppy and was safe, but he still glared at Stan for good measure.

"Traffic is going to move soon so if you could conclude this, that would be good, you idiot." Stan snapped before rolling up his window, mumbling the whole time about mitzvahs and dumb high boys.

"Eddie, is it?" the driver pulled Eddie's attention back over and he felt a grin stretch across his cheeks.

"You know my name?" he asked, ecstatic. He really really liked when this guy said his name, liked the way he said it like he was savoring each syllable. The guy laughed again and nodded.

"Your friend there yelled it a few times, yeah," he explained and Eddie ohhhed in understanding, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Stan! No! He's like... my mom. Not my boyfriend." Eddie explained with a shake of his head. Stan was cute and everything but so was that little egg cartoon that slept in strips of bacon and Eddie didn't want to date that egg.

"What egg are you talking about?" the guy asked through rolling laughter. Eddie laughed too and looked at Rosalita, confused.

"Did I say that out-loud?"

"Yes, cutie, you did. And I'm sorry, I'd love to hang out with you, but I actually gotta get this punk to his brother's apartment." He said, pointing a finger at the boy in the backseat and Eddie turned to look at him with the wide eyes. The boy, who had a kind face and soft looking blonde hair, smiled at Eddie and gave him a big thumbs up.

"Oh, okay. That's too bad." Eddie pulled back slightly into the car and the boy reached a hand out to stop him. He had nice hands, they looked big and calloused and Eddie wanted to hold one.

"Wait! Um, maybe you could add me on Facebook or something though? My name is Richie Tozier. T-o-z-i-e-r. We could go out another... less trafficky time?" Richie asked, looking nervous and adorable and Eddie grinned again.

"That's perfect." He whispered, once to Richie and then once again to the puppy who was now licking his hand. "So I'll see you later?" Eddie asked, sensing that he should probably get back in the car now. Richie nodded and winked at him.

"I'll be counting down the minutes, Eds, ol' chap." He teased in a Cockney accent and Eddie felt himself giggle hysterically.

"Stop that, Rich, you're not British." Eddie laughed as he slid back into the car. He waved at Richie once the window was rolled up because the guy was still staring at him. He stared at him until the boy in the backseat had to hit him on the shoulder and get him to move forward with traffic. Richie turned around sheepishly and drove away, but Eddie thought of him for the whole rest of the car ride.

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