Ksimon! Ocean eyes (1)

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The tall dark man sat in the back of the classroom, staring at the side of his crush's face. The blonde laughed with his friends, spinning a football on his finger with a cheeky smirk at a pretty girl. "You may want to hide your staring a bit more, JJ." The brunette female teased, leaning into JJ's side. JJ looked down at Talia a smiled with eyes that held embarrassment. "Sorry. I didn't realize I was staring." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around Talias shoulders to hold her closer. 

The two best friends talked through the rest of their free period, the teacher was called out by the principal. "Wanna come over again tonight?" Talia asked with the tilt of her head, though she wasn't looking at Jide, instead sat in his lap. "Yeah, sure. I have some maths homework though..." "I can help you with it!" Talia offered with a smile, lacing her fingers with JJs.  "That'd be great Tals! Thanks!" 

Little did Jide and Talia know, they had 2 ocean eyes watching them from the front of the room. 


"Talia? Is that you, Hun?" Talia's mom called out, scurrying around in the living room to try and tidy up. "Yeah, Momma! It's me!" Talia clasped her hand with Jides, tugging him up to her, messy, room. Talia closed the door and fell down onto her bed, beginning to speak out loud "Alexa! Play Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish." Alexa gave its response, playing the song. 

JJ Smiled and sat down beside Talia, pulling out his math homework. 

The two teenagers completed Jide's homework, wasting time in between questions to crack jokes or just talk in general. Suddenly Jide's ringer went off, indicating a text message. "Huh? Who could that be?" He asked out loud, reaching into his back pocket for his phone.

One message!


Hey! My name is Simon Minter, we have all the same classes together :-) I got your number from one of Talia's friends, Freya, to see if you'd like to study together one day? I saw you aced the English exam and I'm lowkey failing....

Jide stared at the message with wide eyes, jaw dropping. "What? Who is it!?" Talia shouted, snatching the phone from JJ. She read and reread the message over and over. "HE MESSAGED YOU?!" She screamed, slapping her legs excitedly. Jide started to bounce on the bed, matching Talia's excitement. "HE DID? BUT WHY?!" "HE WANTS TO STUDY, YOU NONCE!" Talia screamed again, red marks forming on her legs from her constant slapping. 

"WHAT SHOULD I SAY?!" Talia stopped hitting her legs and paused, looking down at the phone. She thought for a moment, typing out some possible message choices in the note app. "I have constructed 3 fool-proof texts for you. Pick which seems best." 

Jide read through the messages with intense analyzation of every word. 

Hey, Simon! I know who you are, aha. We're usually partnered in PE :) I wouldn't mind studying with you sometime. Got a time in mind? 

Talia and Jide stared down at the phone, nervousness  and fear evident in the atmosphere. 

One message!

Thank you so much, Olajide! Would tomorrow at 12 PM work? 

Jide and Talia highfived, writing their response and preparing what JJ would wear. (All of his nice clothes are at Talias)



Im Elizabeth and I'll be posting for Cloe until she gets back :-) 
Sorry if anything here isn't how it normally would look with Cloe's posts, I'm not really sure how to work wattpad yet ahah, so anything she hasn't already edited will be left plain xD

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