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Lucy ran through the streets, her vision blurred by tears. Her boots smacked into the brick pavement as she continued to weave through the townspeople, who turned an looked after the blonde maiden with worry. She wiped the tears from her eyes again, only clearing her vision for a moment before more tears came, and turned off the main street she was on, heading to the forest that sat to the east of Magnolia. 

"Lushie!" She heard from behind her.

She sped up, hoping to lose her pursuer but only succeeded in crashing into a tree. She fell backward and landed on her back, seeing stars. 

"Lushie!" The voice called again. 

A little blue exceed hovered over Lucy, his wings spread and flapping gently to keep him in the air. He grabbed her left hand with his two paws and pulled her up into a sitting position. 

"Lushie... your bleeding," he said.

Lucy brought her hand to her forehead and wiped off what she initially thought was sweat but was a sticky crimson.

"It's just a cut Happy. Don't worry I'll be fine," she told him, pulling a piece of cloth out of her pocket and pressing it to the cut above her eye.

Happy landed in front of her as his eyes watered. "I'm sorry about what Natsu and the others said."

"Oh Happy," Lucy sighed, picking up the small cat, "what they said isn't your fault. You didn't tell them to say that, nor did you side with them, and that's all I need."

"Lushie, you're so nice!" He sniffed as his tears began to soak the front of her shirt.

Lucy gave the exceed an awkward laugh before beginning to walk again. She wanted to reach the waterfall before noon and she also wanted to show Happy her secret spot.

Noticing they were straying further away from the town, Happy turned to the blond. "Lushie where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," she winked, her earlier problems brushed aside.

Happy smiled, glad that he could cheer her up, even if it was only for a moment.

The guild was in a shocked silence. Rag gripped tightly in hand, Mira watched the doors come to a rest as they closed before speaking in a shocked whisper. 

"What just happened?"

"That's a good question. Knowing Salamander, he probably found another ancient spell and dragged his friends into it. Once this blows over he'll be on his hands and knees crying and begging for forgiveness," Gajeel twirled a metal spoon before biting into it. "But not before I give him a good beating of course."

Levy punched him in the arm before taking the half-eaten spoon. He chuckled as she waved it around angrily.

"You've already eaten a set and I'm not paying for more!"

"I think this might become serious if we don't figure out what's wrong though."

Lissanna turned to her older sister before giving her a smile. "Don't worry, I'll also help you!"

A man sat in a grand chair, clutching a lacrama orb tightly in his hands. It showed a scene where a man with blue hair and raven tips stood over a woman on the ground, her blonde hair splayed around her in a halo and tears running down her rosy cheeks. the woman said something to the man before her raised a sword of ice and stabbed her with it. Not even a moment later he removed the sword and turned it on himself, the sword passing through his body before disappearing. The man collasped next to the blonde, his blue hair turning raven before a white-haired woman ran and caught him.

The scene changed again to reveal a funeral, but in front of the crowd stood five figures, one being the same blonde from before. They all seemed to have a conversation before three of them disapeared.

A tear streaked down the man's face as he focused on the blonde before wiping it away hurriedly, the tips of his fingers catching the edge of his hood. Pink hair poked out of the hood before he fixed it again and stood.

"I swear, Lucy nothing will keep me from making sure you live a long and happy life," He muttered as the blond in the lacrama disappeared. "And maybe then, this universe won't be in danger of destruction."

"Wow," Happy gasped in awe as Lucy sat down. 

Lucy laughed lightly as she slid her boots and socks off and stuck her feet in the pool of cool water.

"There's also lots of tiny fish if you want to go fishing here," Lucy told him as Happy walked around the area before stopping at the path that lead behind the water.

Happy flew back to Lucy and hugged her tightly, to which she returned.

"Thank you Lushie for showing me this," he said as he let her go.

"It was no problem Happy," she smiled, placing he hand on his head and messing up his fur.

Happy flew next to Lucy, who was balancing on the edge of the canal, as the two made their way to the blond's apartment. Happy was rambling happily about his favorite fish as Lucy listened to the excited exceed. 

"Slow down there Happy your talking miles a minute," she laughed as he began to mix up his words.

Happy grinned sheepishly and began to talk again, slower this time. Lucy smiled at his adorableness and stuck her arms out to the side having reached the especially narrow part of the ledge.

The smell of smoke filled Lucy's nose and she coughed, jumping from the ledge to the sidewalk. She looked up and saw smoke rising from the direction of her apartment and began to run in the direction.

Her feet left the ground as Happy picked her from the ground and began to fly towards the smoke. As they got closer, screams filled their ears and the smell of smoke grew stronger.

Their eyes widened with fear and surprise as they realized what building was on fire. Flames engulfed the part of the apartment Lucy stayed at. And the flames had begun to spread.

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