Chapter 2- M.I.A.

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It had been a couple of weeks since John had threatened (y/n), and life couldn't have been any worse for the teen. In those weeks, he had missed practices, he had barely slept, and his mental health was deteriorating along with his relationship with his group.

They had noticed his absences, and they were just short of furious with the boy. So much so that they didn't even realize that the boy was slowly crumbling. They never noticed the deep dark circles under his eyes. They never notices the misery gracing his features.

Fans were only just starting to notice (y/n)'s poor state. He had stopped smiling as much, and his laughs weren't as easily heard. His face showed signs of depression, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He was getting thinner, but not in a healthy way.

On one of their few days off, (y/n) had decided to go practice the awkward silence choreography. He had been there for about two and a half hours when he heard his phone buzz. The idol already knew who it was when he went to pick up his phone. He couldn't help but tear up when he read the text.

Even though he tried to stop crying, the tears kept flowing. He slid down the wall mirror and assumed a sitting position as he sobbed. He couldn't help but let the emotions out. (Y/n) held his hands in his head as he cried out in despair.

Obviously, the text was from John. He had sent a picture of (y/n) writhing in pain on his apartment floor afterhe had been beaten senseless by someone he once called a friend. (Y/n) couldn't help but break down after seeing the image of his bruised and battered body.

He managed to calm himself a bit, his sobs being reduced, and his whimpering quieter. (Y/n) sniffled as he grabbed his bag, leaving to go back to the dorms. He didn't expect to see three of his members on their way to the practice room when he exited the room.

Hyunjin, Felix, and Minho were making their way to the practice room, probably to practice for their dance video. (Y/n) tried to hide his face and walk away without beiing noticed, but luck wasn't on his side per usual.

His bangs covered his eyes as his members saw him, so they didn't see the despair written on his face. He was thankful for the slight hope of escape, but he knew his chances were slim to none.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Minho asked, not yet noticing the younger's puffy eyes and defeated features.

"I was practicing some choreography I was having trouble with," (y/n) explained, his voice making it obvious he had been crying.

"What's wrong, (y/n)ie? Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked as he pushed the maknae's bangs out of his face, revealing his bloodshot eyes.

"I just got frustrated. I was having trouble with a move and I overreacted," he stated, seeing the older boys'  worried faces.

"Don't worry, hyungs. I'm just stressed recently," he reassured them. Felix was the first to give him a hug, inevitably leading to a group hug between the four.

"Don't stress tok .uch, okay?" Felix said in english as he pat the maknae's shoulder. (Y/n) just nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Why don't you hang out with us while we practice, and when we're done, we can go get some food," Minho suggested. The other two seemed to be perfectly fine with it, so the youngest felt more inclined to accept the offer.

"Okay," (y/n) responded before returning to the training room. The boys warmed up first before Hyunjin turned on the music. They got into position and waited a second before the got to their cue.

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