♥24♥ Internship Arc - A clash of philosophy

Start from the beginning

Edgeshot hit her head with the paper fan again. "Hurry up and get going, Ratel." Edgeshot was the first to disappear and he was high up on a building already. 

"Sensei! Wait up!" Yuuki took off the blue jacket and she gave it back to Todoroki. But before she ran off, she had something to tell Todoroki. "Todoroki?" 


"Whatever you choose, I'm sure it's the path to becoming a hero. See you soon!" She used her Quirk to climb the side of buildings and she caught up with Edgeshot little by little. 

Todoroki stared at her disappearing figure until he could no longer see her. 

"Let's go, Shouto." His dad said to him, starting to walk away. 


Endeavor glanced down at Shouto before making a 'hmph' sound. "If you worry about that girl, it means she was never strong in your eyes in the first place." It may sound like he's being an ass, but Todoroki wondered if his dad was indirectly telling him to believe in her. 

Yuuki and Edgeshot were observing the city of Hosu from above. So far, nothing bad was happening. 

'Considering the crime rate have risen and rumors about Hero Killer still in the city...it's a little too peaceful.' Edgeshot thought to himself. He then looked at Yuuki, who was standing on top of a water tank and she was sniffing the air. 'I doubt she will go berserk. She is strong in her own rights.' 

Both of them could hear the screams of civilians! Many of the screams were coming from different directions! 

"Sensei!" Yuuki looked at Edgeshot, "What do we do?!" 

"Leave the villains to me, Ratel. There are civilians who have no idea where they are going..." He told Yuuki of Hosu City's evacuation points for civilians. "Go and guide the civilians to the evacuation points. Whatever happens, Ratel...do not engage in battle. Do you promise me?" Edgeshot wanted her to stay put in all honesty, but he couldn't leave the innocent civilians on their own. The best thing he could do was to provide support for the other heroes who were trying to keep the disaster at a minimal while Yuuki help to decrease the amount of injured civilians.

Yuuki nodded and she jumped down each building in order to get to the ground. She caught glimpse of a creature she had never seen before fighting heroes, but she promised Edgeshot not to get into battle. She helped point the direction where to run for the civilians, but she could smell there were some people hiding at various places because they were scared. 

'I need to rescue them!' She made use of her Quirk in order to maneuver through the crowd that were all running in her direction. With Yuuki's acute sense of smell, she was able to find many civilians who were near the disaster areas. 

With her speed, she ran past the running crowd of people and she swooped a kid up in her arms. She could smell the child's scent matched with the mother, who was searching for him. 

"You there!" Yuuki called out to the mother and she ran to her right away. 

"My son! Thank you so much!" 

"Hurry and follow that way!" Yuuki had never rescued someone like this before. It felt good knowing she could be of help. She looked at her hands and she smiled with pride; she could do it! She could be of help to Edgeshot and the other pro heroes! 

At some point within the rescue, Yuuki could smell blood. The smell was familiar to her. "This smell...!" She completely forgot about her mission to guide civilians to safety because the smell of blood from members of class 1-A could be sensed by her! She got on all fours and she made a run for it!

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