Voice\\Chapter One

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Alexander P.O.V.

I heard his voice and I was mesmerized. Mr. Washington had asked me to recruit people for Glee Club. He's perfect! He's not popular but I'm sure he'd still fit in.

Glee is one of the more popular clubs in the school. Football doesn't make you popular here, a good voice does.

John was shy. He never sung in front of anyone. That's why he wasn't popular. People thought he couldn't sing because he never tried.

I recognize his voice though. That must be him singing!

I walked into the art room and there he was. Singing. I knew it!

He was painting what looked like a city at night. It was breathtaking and so was his voice.

"This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know?" He sung as he finished the song. He turned around and saw me. His expression changed from calm and peaceful to horrified in a split second.

"You're amazing!" I said in shock
"No! No no no! I'm not!" He claimed still horrified
"You're better than our lead singer! You have to join Glee Club!" I exclaimed
"No! I don't have to do anything!" He pushed me away
"But you're amazing...John....."
"No. Go away." He said firmly as he grabbed a different paint brush

I sighed and grabbed his arm "Please! At least think about it.."

".....I'm not promising anything but...I'll think about it.."


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