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Ice cold air races across the vast and empty stretch of beach that runs alongside the crashing of the ocean's waves. Dark grey rocks jut out of the top of the surface with their jagged edges raised and ready to fight anyone who dares stray near them. Saltwater slams against their sides causing large amounts of spray to be released into the freezing wind which circles the figure standing weakly; eyes fixated on the horizon.

He battles fiercely against the wind to keep his eyes wide open so that he won't lose sight of the ship that is now barely visible but it's no use. Sand flies around him and after his already sore eyes catch the sand once more, he raises an arm to cover them and falls down onto the wet sand below.

His hands are covered in a mixture of black, blue and purple while blood decorates the palms of them and dirt lingers underneath his short nails. In one of his hands he tightly clutches onto a pair of shoes that are broken and falling apart beyond repair. The laces are frayed and stained with traces of gunpowder, the soles are almost completely detached from the rest of the shoe and they are soaking wet with sea water but still; he holds onto them as though they are his life line and his knuckles turn white from his vice like grip.

A dull ache begins to make its presence known throughout the boy's limbs now that he has finally sat down and had the opportunity to stop swimming frantically because his very life had depended on it. His breath, coming out in puffs of smoke as it collides with the cold air, is staggered and shaky despite his desperate attempts to calm down; you can't think properly when you're panicked he was always told. How can you think rationally when you're being swarmed with fear and worries over and over? It's almost impossible.

"Jimin, come back" The boy whispers, voice hoarse from his continued screams at the ocean, at the ship that has now disappeared from his line of sight along the horizon and from cursing out the entire world right now.

Instead of his wishes, he's met only with a thickening fog and the wind that doesn't show any sign of dying down at all along with the waves breaking loudly all the way along the beach. With a painful groan, the boy pulls himself to his feet, legs wobbling, and breathes deeply before looking around for somewhere he can camp out until he can decide what to do and how to go about doing it.

This island isn't one of abandonment, it is actually a thriving island with three villages stretching over its surface and really, it wasn't the best place for the ship to leave him. Here he can find help, he can make connections and he can begin a search after he's slept for a while.

In the distance the distinct sound of a church bell rings out making this already eery scene even more discomforting but the boy ignores that fact because he's seen worse and by this point he's been a part of creating a worse scene. Inside, he's drowning in fear but he's learnt to mask that with an aura of confidence and a 'don't care' attitude because that way, nobody will try to mess with you and they will take you seriously.

Who would take a young boy who is small in height seriously if he announced he was a pirate while looking terrified? Nobody.

Suddenly, above him the sky opens up and rain begins to pour down across the island making the boy completely drenched. He gasps in shock at the coldness of the rain and instantly runs across the beach up towards the trees, through the trees and towards the sound of the bell tolling. Villages are always built around the church with the church in the very centre, why he doesn't truly understand but he doesn't stop to think about it and just makes his way over the tree roots and debris as quickly as he possibly can.

By the time he reaches the edge of the village, his feet are bleeding from the sharp twigs and rocks littered over the forest floor and the pain in his ribs is becoming almost unbearable. However, he pushes on forwards and limps down the cobblestone path that leads into the main section of the village. He passes wooden huts with straw and sticks for a roof, children spriting to get inside their homes and out of the rain and very odd looks from multiple adults and he isn't surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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