28 years earlier

10 0 0

I feel two hands on my back, pushing me straight into a locker, nose slamming the door. Thats when I feel hot liquid running into my mouth.

"What are you going to do Bryan?" I turn around fists clinched. That's when Shay comes around and pushes him.

"Leave him alone Steven!" Steven the oldest kid in 8th grade - (Held back 3 years) 230 lbs, 6ft 3 inches- While me the weakest kid of the grade, struggles to breathe.

"What are you doing Shay?" Me and Shay are practically brothers. We've known each other since 6th grade, he's  defended me from bullies each and every year- Hell I kinda like his sister a bit... ok, ok a lot.

But today, I've had enough- my rage would not subject to my thoughts, this was it. I felt my eyes close and darken - when I opened them, I was standing over Bryan, who was screaming at me with a bloody nose.

"What the hell!! You son of bitch!!!"

Some voice came out of me that wasn't my own. It was a demonic version of my voice, It scared the shit out of me.

"I'm taking my revenge." I saw all the blood drain from his face when I said this, it seemed like he heard the same thing I heard- Thats when I drew up my leg and dropped it on his stomach. Putting all my weight on my foot, His stomach drew up. (He also spit bit of blood) When he went back down, I kneeled down and spoke-

"If you ever mess with me or my friends I won't stop with just your nose and your stomach." His eyes widened with fear so I got up and walked away, just a few seconds before the principle rushed in yelling.

"Who did this! I swear you'll get kicked out of school once I find you!!!"  I continued to walk away, knowing that the principal wasn't lying. I wondered where Shay went during this. He must've of left during the blackout. I thought, I wonder what the he'll happened. Then that's  when I heard the voice again-Except this time, it was in my head.

"You broke his nose and showed him what you really are."

"What am I?"

"You are Anarchy."

Anarchy: The Tale of The Last Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ