♔ S I X T E E N ♔

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Nicole couldn't sleep at all last night, poor Waverly had to suffer with Nicole's tossing and turning. It was currently 4:34 in the morning and Nicole was sipping the coffee she made earlier. If she couldn't sleep why bother trying.

The brunette was resting on Nicole's chest. She felt even closer to Nicole then ever before, and she loved that. She wanted to spend more days with her on this trip, but she knew that she had to get back to Wynonna. Maybe she found out more things about Waverly's parents.

"Morning, Princess." Nicole said when she noticed Waverly was getting fidgety. 

Waverly groaned, "What time is it?" She really didn't want to get up because she loved the warmth of Nicole's body pressed against hers.

"4:40, you still have time to sleep some more." Nicole pointed out while placing her hand on Waverly's head and started to run her fingers through Waverly's brown locks.

"Why's it so early?" Waverly asked and looked up into Nicole's loving brown eyes.

"I'm sorry about last night," Nicole spoke, she really did feel bad for waking Waverly up countless of times last night.

Memories instantlly folded Waverly's mind of last night.

-last night 2:59 A.M-

No matter which path Nicole took it always came back to the night her dad died, the memories flooded her mind. She remembered how slivers of glass dissipated everywhere, the loud bang booming throughout her hears, looking at her dad and noticing his lips turning blue and face growing pale. Blood gently stained that sickly fair skin

Internal panic burned her chest. Then she became unconscious. Her mom did blame her for this for a very long time, she probably still does. But nobody talked about Nicole's fathers death anymore. It was too painful. Nothing would haunt her more then seeing her dad die, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Waverly bolted awake. Something didn't feel right. The clock read 2:45 AM. She heard screaming coming from the girl next to her. Waverlu quickly put her arms around Nicole, trying to comfort her. Tears were streaming down Nicole's  face, but she didn't seem to be awake. She was frolicking around, kicking and screaming. Waverly grabbed her hands and held her down.

"Nicole. Nicole? Wake up. You're having a nightmare! Nicole? Come out of it!"

"No...Dad !Dad!" Nicole cried.

"Nic it's all right. Just calm down."

Nicole's eyes flew open. She saw a small figure sitting next to her in the dark who had her arms around her. Tears were still cascading down her face. Nicole very carefully sat up and closed her eyes against. She hanged her head and regretted that movement uttering a pitiful groan. Don't do that again. After that, she held her head *very* still and tries to catch her breath.

"Baby it's okay, I'm here." Waverly spoke pressing her head against Nicole's tear stained cheek.


Waverly was used to not sleeping that well throughout night. Her trauma usually woke her up countless of times. It was different being woken up by someone's else's nightmares. "Want to talk about it?" Waverly asked.

"Maybe some other time," Nicole said watching Waverly nod her head in return. "I'm going to start packing, we don't want to leave too late because of traffic."

"Aww!" Waverly already missed the comfort of Nicole.

The ginger kissed Waverly before she started to pick up clothes off the floor. Like one of Waverly's blue lace bra's and Nicole's socks with paw prints all over them. Nicole placed it into her black suitcase.

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