T E N - "Oh, that's a big deal."

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I bat her hands away and rub my forehead. "Ow, What was that for?"

"It's was for you being stupid." She sighs, going back to her closet.

"Well, I don't know what to wear either. Why is is such a big deal? There are college parties all the time."

"Yes but this one is held by Dean Downes." She says, her eyes widening to exaggerate the point.

Which I don't get.

Ah, just like maths class all over again.

"Yeah, he invited me. What's the big deal with him?" I ask.

When I met Dean in class, he was completely normal. He didn't show off or be mean, so I'm not sure what Emma's talking about.

"The big deal is that he's the son to a billionaire."

"Oh, that's a big deal." I say, my eyes now matching Emma's.

"No shit, sherlock." She laughs.

"Well I need something to wear then. Is it fancy?"

"Did he not tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I ask, I had only been sent the address. Dean hadn't said anything else.

"Today he announced that the theme is Zombie."

"In September?!"

"Dean's parties always have themes." Emma shrugs.

"Holy crap, I really need an outfit then."

"Time to shop till we drop, honey." Emma sings as she grabs her bag and walks out.

I let out a groan and follow her.

Time to shop.


"I look like a prostitute." Emma groans as she turns around in the mirror.

"No you don't." I shush her, shaking my head.

"Yeah, she totally does." A deep voice says, goosebumps immediately appear on my skin.

Both Emma and I whip round from the mirror in the store and come to face Axel.

"Hello, ladies." He greets.

Axel's eyes look me up and down, making me feel miserably self-conscious.

Hello fifteen year-old doubts.

"Yes?" I ask, crossing my arms and popping my hip out to the side.

"You don't look very zombie-ish." He states, looking back at my chest.

I'm wearing a form fitting grey top that clings to my assets, some may say.

"Eyes up here, Einstein." I huff.

"They're always above your waist." He replies.

"That's not the point, dickhead." I roll my eyes.

"If I get to stare at you, there's always a point." Axel says softly, his face completely serious.

My body heat seems so go up a few degrees as I forget how to speak.

Instead I turn around and assess Emma's outfit again.

"Maybe it is a bit too, flashy?" I offer, my voice going higher than I had anticipated.

Damn hormones.

"Yeah, I agree." Axel nods. "Maybe try a jumpsuit?"

Emma grins and points at Axel. "Good idea, I'm going to go get change out of this hooker r us outfit."

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