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its been so long since wonwoo has seen his lover. jihyu. he knows how toxic this relationship is, and he knows he should get help, but he doesn't want to. he doesn't want to leave her. its okay shes hurting him. its okay shes making him go insane. its TOTALLY FINE that jihyu is making wonwoo lose himself, his movements getting slower and slower, time seeming to stay frozen for so many seconds, so many sleepless nights. tear him to pieces, jihyu. he wouldn't mind. THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HIM. what doesn't she understand? wonwoo is just a hopeless romantic, and she took advantage of that.


low grumbles emit from the trapped man. loud coughs and grunts scare away the dry silence, quicky rushing out of the room. wonwoo, stumbles to his feet, lifting his frail body off the cold and dusty kitchen floor. his bare feet drag against the ragged surface, making his way to the couch. another cough scratched its way out of his reddening throat. he lazily swung his legs over the back of the aged and torn couch, hanging upside down, his tangled copper-toned hair flopping off his face. wonwoo uncomfortably shifted his body a bit, his muscles aching from last nights breakdown.

last night, wonwoo broke down everything in the dining room, including the vase that stabbed his foot. he managed to get it out, but it wasn't easy. yet the pain was refreshing to him. he doesnt experience different varieties of pain, only emotional traumas. blood rushed to his head, his vision slowly clouding up.

"fuck." wonwoo murmured as he heard his old doorbell screech echo through his house, rushing the peacefulness out of the room. he crawled onto his knees to the rusting door and user the doorknob to help him get up, his knees shaking as he peeked through the window. 'ah, its just some kids.'

wonwoo swiftly unlocked the door and pulled it open with a flick of his wrist and looked down to see two small children, their faces dimly illuminated by the cloudy sky above them. wonwoo coldly smiled at them and bends down.

"mmm, what are your names, sunshines?" wonwoo managed to talk, his chest heaving after.

"seokmin and chan! what about you, sir?"

"ah, love, thats not important right now. what are you two sweethearts doing here anyways?" wonwoo said sweetly, fighting the urge to either breakdown or cringe at himself.

"we're here to sell cookies! want one?" the younger one, which is chan, joyfully said.

wonwoo let out a bitter laugh, covering his face with his callused hands. "of course loves, how much for a box?"

"only two dollars, sir!" seokmin chirped.

wonwoo dashed into the house to pick up 8 quarters and ran back to the children.

he crouched back down and handed seokmin the coins.

"sir, you look a bit tired, are you ok?" seokmin asked wonwoo concerningly.

"im fine, sweetheart. now get going, you still have a bunch of cookies more to sell! stay safe!" wonwoo pat both of their heads and stood up and waved goodbye.

"bye sir! have a good day!" chan waved goodbye as well as seokmin and made their way down the stairs. wonwoo could have sworn their eyes had smiley faces and stars in them.

he closed the door and locked it. tears welled up in his eyes and his dry tongue casually danced across his chapped lips. he needs to find an exit soon. but, hes stuck in her cage. in her hands. and it doesnt look like shes coming back.

hours passed with loud and drawn out sighs, kicking holes into walls, punching fridges, knocking over lamps, and pulling down curtains, shredding them with his teeth. wonwoo is now sprawled out on the floor, gritting his teeth. his foot was bleeding and scabs were peeling off, but that didnt have any impact on him. it wasnt a problem, just patch it up and thats it.

wonwoo bounced to his feet a bit too quickly, only to crash into the doorway of the kitchen, a glass shard digging into his foot. he chomps down onto his bottom lip, blood rushing into his mouth and down his chin, only to join the blood on his foot. a tear rolled down his shriveling skin as he blindly searched for a bandage, yet only to find the cookies that he received earlier.

his fingernails dug into the cardboard box as he carelessly ripped the glass shard out of his foot. he knew this wasnt the right way. he knew he was eventually going to bleed out. that didnt matter. that was what he was supposed to 3 years ago. never happened. he though he found a way out, yet she never left.

wonwoo slapped a bandage on his gash and clenched his fist, waiting for this stinging to pass. after what seemed like hours of harshly gritting his teeth and gripping the couch, the stinging has passed. it still hurt like a foot in the ass, but it was bearable. his head quickly turned to the box of cookies, tears rapidly spilling from his swollen eyes again.

"im so sorry, im so very sorry, sweethearts. i hope you dont do what ive done and you dont experience what ive experienced. im so, so sorry. please, stay safe." wonwoo was wailing at this point, his breath and head uneasy.

"p-please... find a way out of this madness, i know you can do it. thank you so much, loves." wonwoo continued to choke on continuous sobs until the couch cushion was soaked.

knock, knock

wonwoo moved his attention to the door, someone knocking on it this time instead of using the doorbell. wonwoo limped to the door, pain shooting up his legs. he grabbed the doorknob for support and pulled it open, only to see her silhouette. jihyu. wonwoo was dreaming. its been too long for her to even be here. is it finally his time?

wonwoo frantically opened the door and hugged jihyu, the impact knocking the air out of her lungs. she hesitantly wrapped her arms around the taller's petite waist.

"isn't it lovely, all alone, tear me to pieces, skin to bone." jihyu couldnt believe her ears. wonwoo was singing to her. but she was so clueless and had no idea what he meant. she knew she made him feel terrible and she knew she broke him and cheated on him, for fucks sake she has a fiance, but why was he singing to her?

jihyu was too deep in thought to realize wonwoo began crushing her windpipe. jihyu let out one more squeak before passing out on the ground.

wonwoo untangled his arms, moving away from her body. he crouched down, petting her head.

"hello, welcome home." wonwoo's voice was hushed as he stood up one last time to walk to the kitchen. he began walking directly on the glass shards, knowing it will be over soon. very soon. he grabbed the knife in the dishwasher and took one last glance at the cookie box before tracing the blade against his neck and stabbing himself.


"mmm! momma these cookies are so good! no wonder we sold so much of them!" seokmin chirped cutely, his eyes sparkling.

"awe, sweetheart, im glad you and chan liked them."

"thank you, mrs. lee!" chan joined in, taking another bite of the cookie he had in his hand.

breaking news - jeon wonwoo found dead in his residence, reportedly to have committed suicide. kim jihyu's reason for passing out is not yet allowed into the public just yet. stay tuned for more updates.

once those words reached mrs. lee's ears, she quickly rushed to change the channel, looking at the children to make sure they didnt hear the tv. and gladly, they didnt. she huffed in relief and continued cutting the vegetables for her husband's salad tonight.


sorry if this made you really sad, i just wanted to try something new. thank you for reading and have a good day!!!!

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