CHAPTER 12- Instagram

Start from the beginning

Ever since I started reading this book, there's this weird feeling that I keep getting, I always think I'm being watched by someone. I think about it so much that I've started to believe it. It's as if someone's everywhere, they always have eyes on me, and after the whole window thing at Noah's, the feeling has just made a home in me, it doesn't go away.

I was so lost in my thoughts and the book that I didn't realise Noah, Dylan and two other extremely attractive guys had already taken their seats on my table. I was looking at Noah and smiling like an idiot hoping he'd introduce those two to me so at least I won't be left out in any future conversations that take place, but little Noah can be dim sometimes.

I'm assuming the two figured I didn't want to remain clueless so one of them cleared their throats and introduced himself, "Hey, umm you're Carolina right?" He sounded nervous but looked more confident than Trump.
"Guilty." I replied with a small smile.

"I'm Kol." He smirked.
The other guy went right after him and sang, "Oh, and I'm Tristan."

"Nice meeting y'all Kol and Tristan." I happily added to this awkward conversation.

"Aww how nice, now if the round table conference is over, can we decide where to go after school ? It's Friday for heaven's sake!" Dylan acknowledged his presence by being extremely loud and clear.

"How about target?" Noah asked I have no idea why. Why would they come to target!

"Now you're daft." Tristan commented.

"Oh umm, I don't really mind cause I need a lot of things for my room." I added. I wanted to redecorate the whole room I needed my room to be like my room in England. It looked completely vintage and I love that vibe.

"Hence the daft man suggests target." Kol smirked.

We then returned to our classes and waited for the long day to end. The rest of the day was just boring until school was over. Noah and I were walking towards his car where Dylan, Kol and Tristan were waiting.
"So target it is?" Dylan called.

"I guess. Unless you guys wanna go elsewhere?" I added knowing they were all only coming cause I had to go.

"I'm sure when we go there they'll all end up buying stuff. So don't worry about it. Come on, let's go to target!" Noah comforted me. Every one gave him the 'you're dead' look and sat in the car.
Noah had a jeep so everyone could fit in easily. Noah and Dylan sat ahead, I was behind with Kol and Tristan, in the middle of Kol and Tristan to be precise.

The drive to target was really bloody long. It was far from school and LA has a hell lot of traffic throughout the day. I was freezing in the car because Dylan will not agree on turning the temperature up and I didn't stop complaining for even a second. So Noah pulled over to the side of the road, got down and opened the boot, took something and came back in. It was a black leather jacket which I'm assuming is his and continued driving. All of the boys just looked at me and literally yelled 'Awwww' in my face. That is when I couldn't stop smiling.

We reached target ten minutes later and I was so shocked. This place was massive. Noah had told me this but I didn't think it would be this huge. I was so excited, shopping for decorations and DIY stuff had always been my favourite!

I took the cart and went in. This was my paradise I could live in it forever. There's everything over here, legit everything. I noticed that the guys didn't take any carts or baskets but I was too excited to comment on it. We all parted ways, Noah and Dylan were running around in the kids section, Tristan soon took a cart and filled it with Legos, lame. I don't really know where kol went, he like vanished in thin air.

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