Chapter 1

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Jen's POV

Josh and I were messing around on set with the fake weapons, how the rubber flipped and jiggled when you waved it was actually rather amusing.

"Alright kids. It's time to shoot!" Francis yelled

We both walked to set. I noticed Josh staring at me, with a small subdued smile on his face.

"What you looking at?" I sniggered "Is there a load of sand in my hair again?

"No, don't worry" Josh had snapped out of his daze by this time. "I would just like to say that you are beautiful"

"Erm, thanks" I replied.

I was pleased when it was time to film as I was starting to feel terribly uncomfortable.

"Right. So this us the scene when Katniss has a nightmare and Peeta comes in to her room to comfort her.

I then flung my body onto the bed, which made everyone laugh.

"Action," Francis shouted

I stayed still on the bed for a few seconds. The editors would cut this out if they didn't want this. I then screamed and sat up on the bed, panting like a dog wanting a treat. Peeta strode in and asked if I was okay. I said that it was just a bad dream, but asked him: "Could you stay with me?" I knew that line would be legendary for all Peeniss shippers. He came over to my bed and lay there next to me. I buried my head in his chest so I could here his heartbeat slowly thudding away. He replied with the single word "Always"


I'm so sorry I'm not gonna be able to update on a whole two weeks because I'm going on holiday where there is no wifi!

Please comment if you have any suggestions as to what could happen and if I go with your ending I will give you a shoutout on twitter, instagram or tumblr!

My twitter is @jb550379

My Instagram is @omg_im_so hungry

On tumblr I own the blog: jennlawrencefansite


Could you stay with me? - a Joshifer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now