Jake's Birthday

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"Okay. Thanks Y/N." He said, giving me a hug.

"Anytime Jake." I said.

"Does Corey know?" I asked him.

He sighed. "No. I haven't told him yet. I just came straight to you."

"Okay." I heard a knock on my door and I went to answer it.

"Where, where's Jake?" Corey asked, out of breath.

"Living room. Do you want to go see him?" I asked and he nodded. Jake was staring off into space when we walked in.

"Jake." Corey said and he looked over at him.

"Hi Cor." He said quietly. "I'll give you two some privacy." I said and went to my room. Sabrina was awake and looking at her phone. When I closed the door, she looked up and smiled.

"Bearbear!" She said, turning off her phone. "Where were you?"

"I was talking to Jake. Him and Corey are downstairs talking."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Is he okay? I mean, he doesn't really come over here often."

"Jake? I'm not really sure right now. Corey's fine though." I answered.

"Can I go talk to Jake?" She asked.

"Sure." We walked downstairs and saw the two boys hugging. Jake was sobbing and Corey was comforting him. "Don't cry Baby. You're okay." Corey said.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" Sabrina asked bewildered.

"Nothing. I'm okay." Jake said, quickly sitting up. "I just had a lot on my mind. I'm okay now."

"Okay." Sabrina said as more as a question. I'm not going to question him, because I understand that he doesn't want to tell everyone. Wait a minute. Today is August 18 which means...

"I am so sorry." I apologized.

"For what?" He asked.

"Today's your birthday. And this-" I started.

"No, it's fine. I just shouldn't have said anything today." He said, stopping me from finishing my sentence.

"You're birthday is today?" Sabrina asked and he nodded his head. "I'm 19. Woohoo." He said, unenthusiastically.

"Hey, turn that frown upside down. It's your birthday after all." She pulled out this thing from her pocket. It was two keys for something.

"Um, what is this?" Jake asked while Corey's mouth dropped. "Brina. You didn't." She smirked at the jealous boyfriend.

"Oh but I did. Happy birthday Jake." She smiled warmly at the birthday boy.

"That's not fair! He's my boyfriend and how am I supposed to top that?!" Corey said frustratedly and Sabrina laughed.

"Still, what are those keys for?" Jake asked, looking at the silver keys.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Sabrina said and left the house. After about 5 minutes, we heard a car honk from the parking space. I opened the door and I widened my eyes. Jake stood in shock and Corey started pouting. In front of us was a freaking black Lamborghini with Jake's name on the back.

She got out of the car and threw the keys to Jake, which he catched. "Knock yourself out."

"This has to be some sort of a joke. This can't be mine." Jake said in disbelief.

"If it wasn't, I wouldn't have gave you the keys. Now GO!" She said, lightly pulling him away.

"Dude. You're the bestest friend ever." He said and she chuckled.

"Hey! I thought that I was your bestest friend." I said to Jake. "Nope. Me now." Sabrina said, smirking.

"Are you still going to spend the night?" I asked Jake, but Corey answered before he could.

"Actually Y/N, I was wondering if he could maybe stay with me." Corey said and I nodded, smiling. "I'm sure he'll like that a lot better."

"Sabrina I can not thank you enough for this, but I don't deserve it." Jake said.

"Yes you do now go have some fun." I said. "Keep him happy." Sabrina said to Corey and he nodded.

"It's my duty to protect my prince." He put his hand on his heart and bowed.

"Well then go on kind sir." I bowed to him and he jumped in the car with Jake, then they speeded down the street.

We went back in and I closed the door behind us. "That was so sweet of you." I said, kissing the top of Sabrina's head.

"Well he's my best friend too and I knew he wanted one. Besides, I wanted to make sure that he was happy, especially since it's his birthday." She smiled softly. "Everybody should be happy on their own birthday, rig-" I kissed her and pulled away.

"Right." She had a cheeky grin on her face. "So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Netflix and chill?" I laughed lightly.

"That was the most iconic thing ever." I said, playfully rolling my eyes. "But okay."

She nudged my shoulder and pouted. "Okay, okay princess. Whatever you want." She giggled and ran back upstairs.

She's so adorable. I thought to myself as I ran behind her.

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