Always a little to late

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~sorry but the edit I made for my YouTube is so cute.~

Kingkobe 😍💗: Lena is gonna have to go home with you because I live pretty far from her.

Vintagevontae👑💍: Ok I already have her in the back seat.

kingkobe😍💗: Ok

Vintagevontae👑💍: bye

Devontae's pov
As I drove torlenea back to my house, I realized I needed to talk to here. I carried her into my house and laid her down on the couch.

Torlenea's pov
As I slowly woke up and realized where I was. I was at devontae's house. I was just about to walk out the front door when someone had grabbed my arm and pulled me back in the house. It was devontae. He told me that he needed to talk to me and to sit down. As I did that he told me he liked me, always did and just didn't know how to tell me. I just sat there shocked because I don't know if I like him like that anymore because I liked him for years but now that he likes me back it's like"oh snaps". I got up and told him I have to go home and he said he'll drop me off in front of my house. As I got home and into my room and started to text kobe.

kingkobe😍💗: Hey Lena

Powerful na😚💗: Hey kobe

Kingkobe😍💗: wyd?

Powerful na😚💗: watching Netflix and eating pizza. How about you kobe?

Kingkobe😍💗: same. I been in the house board all day.

Tazzthegenius wants to join:
😊or ☹
Powerful na😚💗:😊

Kingkobe😍💗: What's up tazz?

Tazzthegenius🤓🤓: I got to tell y'all something.

Powerful na😚💗:You got herpes???

Kingkobe😍💗:EWWW! You got aids???

Tazzthegenius🤓🤓:Oh no. I ain't got either of them.

tazzthegenius🤓🤓: I'm going to tell y'all this and you guys can't tell anyone. Got it?

Powerful na😚💗: Ok

Tazzthegenius 🤓🤓: I think I know who killed samantha but I'm not so sure yet but I'm cracking down on codes and stuff like that. I also got my hands on the security footage her parents have in the basement and thank God for the cameras that her parents have around the house.

kingkobe😍💗: wow😴

Tazzthegenius adds dopewithbars🍫💞, playboykenny😎😉, metroo🚄, meechonmars🌌😊, Coldvader❄☃️,   and Hawaiianboymalak🏖 to the chat.

Tazzthegenius🤓🤓: Guys I just figured something out.

Dopewithbars🍫💞: your gay???

Meechonmars🌌😊: you'll be forever alone???

Playboykenny: That your not attractive???

Hawaiianboymalak🏖: that your jawn  little???

Coldvader❄☃️: That your hairline is nowhere in sight???

Metroo🚄: or the fact that you ain't got no friends???

Tazzthegenius🤓🤓: well dang,I was just about to tell y'all information and y'all over here roasting me.

Powerful na😚💗:I mean you can't say it's not true.

Kingkobe: well dang y'all.

Metroo🚄: how's your boyfriend Jeff doing???

Tazzthegenius🤓🤓: BRO I AIN'T GAY!!!
Powerful na😚💗: BEST GROUP CHAT EVER!!!!

kingkobe😍💗: Im going to bed y'all cause tazz taking to long.

Powerful na😚💗:same. Night yall💕



dopewithbars🍫💞:Night 💕

Hawaiianboymalak🏖: Night 😚

Coldvader❄☃️:Night 😍


tazzthegenius🤓🤓:so y'all all go to sleep on me?!?!  Wow thanks guys what great help

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