Chapter 7

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We head to Pandoras Quill puts his arm around me at one point I guess for comfort can they really see the worry in my face. I just muster my poker face right now I guess.

We get there the door is open and my heart stops when I walk in Groot Gamora and Sanya are playing with toy's. How weird it is seeing the most dangerous woman in the galaxy playing with toy's. Pandora see's me and hugs me tight.

"I thought you where dead when Sanya turned up on my door its been over a week. Why didn't you call!" Emotion is trapped in Pandora's voice.

"I couldn't I contacted my employers hoping that would stop them coming here and taking Sanya."

"They came just as Gamora came she killed them and said she was with you, Sanya ran up to her crying asking questions, she then said lets play and told me and her everything. Isn't she the daughter of Thanos? What have you got yourself into considering your past!"

"My mission got compromised and they kept me hostage and well this is why I look like utter shit. I just know I cannot stay in the city me and Sanya have to go on the run, I may never see you again but I will keep in touch, thank you for everything, you will always have a place in my heart." I cup her cheek and we kiss. Gamora coughs to interrupt us.

"Before we go we would like to escort you and Sanya to your home and make sure you get out safely."

"Thank you we should go before we are found."

Pandora stuffs a necklace in my hand "To remember me by."

We leave and part ways. Gamora walks next to me I am carrying Sanya she is tired must have been to much excitement for one day.  "So is pandora your lover?" Gamora asks. Where did that come from? I guess because of this kiss but why does she care? "No she is my ex and best friend and like a mother to Sanya."
"She seems like an amazing girl and Sanya is a good kid I am sorry for how I treated you, if I had known you had a child to look after I wouldn't have done so'" much damage." Oh shit she is apologising is this a dream pinch me. "It is fine it comes with the training and I did have to kill your friend, I don't blame you but its water under the bridge." she looks confused "There is no bridge?" "Its a saying I forgive you don't worry."

She doesn't say anything and drops back to talk to Quill.

We arrive at mine and I tell Sanya to pack and I sit in my chair trying to take this crazy week and a half.

"I am guessing you guys are off to save the galaxy. Thank you for the help with Pandora and Sanya."

"About that." Quill says "You two have nowhere to go and you have proved yourself that you can handle us, yourself action and more importantly Gamora." They all laugh even Gamora.

"I know we are dysfunctional but you have grown on us and we could always use the extra pair of hands, how would you and Sanya like to join us and help us out in saving the galaxy or helping us get in trouble so what do you say?"

Gamora's awaking (GOTG Fanfic Lesbian, Original Main Character)Where stories live. Discover now