Chapter 6

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When I finally come to I am in a cell, great and I am stuck in here with bitch from hell. She looks okay though I feel rough as fuck great more cuts and bruises. I think I am just one walking bruise now. Gamora moans in pain.

"I am guessing you are happy seeing me in pain." She say's weakly

"If anything its payback but I am not a bitch have you broken something apart from your pride and ego?"

"My wrist if it doesn't get set it will heal wonky"

"Come here you patched me up and now it is my turn to do you." Great use of words, or you just have a dirty mind or alliterative motives.

I grab her wrist more sparks focus Ally and give her my jacket to bite down on then I pop it straight and make a sling out of my jean legs, what can I say I am resourceful.

"Hey lesbians keep it down" Yells Rocket

"We weren't having sex." We both say a little to quickly.

"I am groot."

"I know Groot there is no way we are getting out. I have Drax and Groot in here with me we are missing Peter."

"I know where we are and if you guys trust me I will get us out. My employers ambushed us like they said they would I had to give you up or they would hurt my sister, I am so sorry they wanted Quill because of his father and Yondus child trafficking." I say just happy to get it off my chest, I wait for Gamora to snap my neck but she doesn't move.

"You are our only help I will trust you for now because you helped me with the broken bone but cross us again and I will kill you."

I nod back, I get to work knowing that the cells have a fail safe system in the roof. Gamora boosts me up and I blush when I feel her grab hold of my waist with one hand to keep me steady.

"I am going to climb through take the guards key and find Quill before I ambush them I am going to come and get you guys, be ready to fight Gamora if you cannot leave and please if you have a heart go and see Pandora it is the house three streets from here, say your with me and get her and my sister her name is Sanya and keep them safe I beg you."

"Okay I will do that for you, you helped us I will pay this debt off I owe you."

"Thank you."

I smile and then slip out the cell, I stealth kill the first guard and then lay in wake for the other he didn't have the key but the next one should. He spots me we fight I manage to get him and get a knife and gun and key from him. I leave the hallway and sneak along hiding from the guards I am praying I hid the bodies of the other guards and find the, court chamber, they are still in court Peter looks pretty beaten up but fighting the case. I hear they still going to sentence him to death. Not if we can get to him in time they won't. I get down to the cells, Gamora looks at me shocked.

"She may have doubted you, for the record I never doubted you for a second princess." Says Rocket.

"I hope have proved myself, and maybe Gamora can trust me just slightly."

"I suppose." Gamora say's

"Take these weapons Drax and Rocket, Groot and Gamora please go and find my sister."

"I am groot." Gamora grabs groot and off they go I just hope they get to them before my employers do.

"So how did you end up working for A creed." Rocket say's while we sneak toward Quill.

"I had a child to support and I was young and venerable, no family and no friends. It was work for them or die and leave Sanya alone and I couldn't do that she had lost enough."

He say's nothing but he know's thats not the whole story.

"That was noble of you." Drax says kindly.

We arrive at the chamber and sneak in I take down as many of them I can and Rocket and Drax cause a distraction killing everything and everybody they can. I get to Quill and untie him and whisper "Rescue party is here." We all run and spill out onto the streets and manage to escape.

"Where is G?" Peter asks once we catch are breathes.

"She went to Pandoras to get my sister we are going to go there and meet them and I guess that is where we will all part ways?"

"We will see about that." Peter replies.

Gamora's awaking (GOTG Fanfic Lesbian, Original Main Character)Where stories live. Discover now