Chapter 3

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Quill shows me to where I will be sleeping it's small and pokey I thank him and he leans against the door.

"I am sorry about Gamora, I know I should be mad considering you tried to kill me and all, but we aren't bad people, and neither is she despite being the deadliest woman in the galaxy."

"I will remember that when these bruises and pain take full effect, but nothing personal about trying to kill you and all it's work nothing more nothing less."

"No worries your not the only woman who has tried to kill me."

He smiled weakly and leaves me alone to my thoughts. I take out the small sewing kit and look at my arm, shit that is a deep one.

A green figure looms over the doorway, ugh what does she want I am yet again on high alert.

"Come to rub salt in my wounds?"

"Nope but I hope you know what your doing and that needles clean, can't be wasting medical supplies on cargo and can't have you dying on us before we get to the living city."

Oh she is here to be a bitch what is this a power struggle or she just hates me, I don't blame her did just try and kill her friend.

"I know your game Gamora and I refuse to play I hate you and you hate me, but no need to mock me." I don't hate her she is stunning, but I won't let. Y guard drop this is a hostage situation after all I was trained for this.

"Oh don't flatter yourself I don't hate you I feel no emotion towards cargo like you. I can't have you being ill so let me just sew that cut up so you don't die or get an infection will you."

"Fine" I say through gritted teeth.

Drax Peter and rocket are in the cockpit.

"So boy's how much money do you want to bet that Gamora will kill Ally before we get to the living city?"  Say's rocket.

"Why would we bet on such a situation, surely the mission is for them not to kill each other." Drax's say's confused. 

"I say she will fall for her, the way she looks at the back of her head when she walks away and clocked her arse, I know that she will try and push that down because she was raised with 'No love'." Says Peter.

"I am groot." Says groot in agreement.

"I bet a 100 on both." Rocket says even though he feels like the love will never happen.

In the end Peter put 50 on both outcomes groot puts 5 on both and Drax looks confused because thats not the mission.

Gamora's awaking (GOTG Fanfic Lesbian, Original Main Character)Where stories live. Discover now