Part 3

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Opening his eyes slowly, he doesn't stay too long to recognize in what condition he is. Blindfolded, tied to the chair and also gagged. He grunts want to let go but a hand around his throat make him silence.

"Revealed him." he was blinking hard to accept the light and he saw four people in front of him, including a man who had meet him last night. "So, this is Hide's little sister?"

"Brother." He corrected it and Ryuichi only laughs. "Oh I like man.. tell me about X."

"Just kill me, you won't get anything."

"Who said we want to kill you? I think all my men here are lusting on you. Right J?" The person name J just stare at Sugizo. Sugizo barked him. "You coward! you kidnapped me in a dirty way!"

"J, make him talk. I believe that you can do that." the three of them left, leaving Sugizo and J alone in the basement. J comes closer, admiring Sugizo's beauty. How can a man become so beautiful like him? "Let me straight to the point. Give me that information and you won't get hurt. If not, I will rape you."

"Coward, let me go and let's fight!" J only smirk before he take a bottle and  pour something on a white cloth. "I can guess you know what is this. Choose wisely beautiful, which one you prefer." Sugizo wide his eyes, he know what is the liquid that J just refer but he still refused to talk. Talking about his brother is same like betrayed him. He only have Hide in this world. He looks at J and sighed. "Just do what you want, I will never leaked any information of my clan, just kill me, you are wasting your time."

"Who said I am wasting my time huh? In fact.." He comes closer to Sugizo ans held his chin in his hand, admiring the beauty. Those red luscious lips, big eyes and white skin on himself made J think it is not a fault let out his beast on a male like Sugizo. He won't get pregnant right?

"I change my mind. I won't kill you but I will make your fake death."

"Wha-hmmph!" J shoved the handkerchief on Sugizo's face and soon he become unconscious. He admiring Sugizo's beauty again. He kissing his jaw line, down to his shoulder blade. His hand slip beneath his clothes and touching his soft nipples. J close his eyes, imagined how Sugizo will moan and cry in pain. He already fell in love with a creature in front of him. "Sugizo.." He wants to leave the area but then his desire ask him to stay. He doesn't want to leave a chance taste the man who tied sexily on the chair. He took his phone and calls someone. "Ryuichi, he doesn't want to talk." then he smiled end the conversation. "Luscious Sugi-chan~" He let go off the binds from the chair and put Sugizo over his shoulder to his special room, he is very light and it is not hard to move him around. Dropping the gorgeous body on the bed, he removes the shoes from his feet. It is a leather boots, fit to his legs frame and J really enjoyed the view. J kissing the small fingers. Sugizo moans while closing his eyes. He takes a rope and tied both of his wrist together on the head board, but then Sugizo suddenly awake and give a punch on his face before the knots become properly tied around his wrist. J stumbled back and fall from the bed. Looking around, he managed to scan the place and saw a door. He quickly run and opens the door, run away through the hall while at the back, he heard a group of men chased him. Someone pulls him from nowhere and clamps his mouth and he struggle to get away.

"Shh.. it is me, Heath." He feel relieved and become calm but he feels weird why Heath become suddenly muscular. His back pressed his chest and it sounds like a chaos outside faded.

"You are easily to get tricked, Sugihara." Sugizo wide his eyes, it is not Heath as the voice become someone like he just attacked. It is J and he was being pushed on the table, with his ass facing J. He hissed in pain because his head knocked on the table, without wasting any time, J rips off his pants down and Sugizo screamed with the top of his lung when J shoved his cock inside his hole. "Shit! You give me no choice baby, you always make it difficult for me. Now tell me, who is the leader of X, I want to know their next operation, their next target." J asked while he keep thrust Sugizo in and out with a quick rapid. Sugizo's head several time knocked on the table when he want to lift his head. "Talk now, or you will see worst."

"Nii-san.." Sugizo whispers while crying, he doesn't want people caught his brother. The pain is so great but he hold it for the sake of his brother.

"Let go off him! you bastard!" Sugizo being pulled up and an arm wraps around his body, he become so weak, at the same time he can feel a hot liquid shoot inside his ass, falling down on his skin.

"Nii-san.." Sugizo weakly said as he can feel a gun at his temple.

"You love your brother so much eh Hide."

"Ahh.." Sugizo weakly let out a groan as the cock behind him released from him. Hide looks disgusting with the sight in front of him but he can't do anything. Sugizo body being used as a shield. "You coward!"

"I don't know that X gang kept a pet like him. He is so wonderful when he moan." Sugizo feel disgusting and bites J's arm, made J let him go and this time Hide take a charge to fly his fist but J moves faster by shoot Sugizo. It is lucky the bullet only hit the skin of Sugizo as Hide gives a shoot, landed his punch on his face. Hide wants to continue but Sugizo screaming stops him from doing that. He comes closer to his brother and hugs him closer. "Shh.. it is okay. I am here.. Nii-chan here.." When he look at Jun again, he was gone and he cursed himself for not shoot him. "Fuck that mother fucker!" He lifts Sugizo in his arm carefully and brought him to the hospital.

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